For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Battle Stance - Zena Warrior Princess

Sometimes I feel like I am David defeating Goliath and some days I feel like the woman at the well so sadden and ashamed. I go back and forth with emotional torment. You ever been there? I was reminding myself the other day in prayer that the inconsistent thought patterns I have surely are not of the Lord. He wants me whole and not fluctuating back and forth in emotions so I need to stay vigilant.

 I started thinking about my battle stance lately. Am I ready to fight against the lies and schemes of this enemy? Or will I just let him pick on me like some bully at the school yard. I play this battle scene in my mind where I star as Zena Warrior Princess with my cool cute outfit and warrior style moves. When the enemy moves closer I karate chop him in the throat (Bam! Take that). This battle stance helps me tremendously when the enemy tries to attack me.  Plus, I chuckle at myself sometimes and it lightens the mood.

I will say that this enemy and I do fight. He tries to remind me of my past and I throw God’s character in his face (Belt of Truth). Sometimes he will try and get me with thoughts of condemnation and I blast my worship music louder (Sword of Spirit). Oh, and the world famous “you are not a good wife or mother” and then I serve and love (Feet with Readiness) them harder and I am sure he is having a fit.

Ladies, you have to purposely stand guard ready to fight the good fight of faith with your full armor of God on. You cannot wait to grab your armor right when the enemy is about to strike. You need to prepare.  I pray to the Lord daily that he helps me with my battle stance. I want to be victorious and rack up some wins in this battle. The only way I win is when I put on the total armor of God and remember that Jesus is my Protector, Stronghold and Shield.

Because of what took place on the cross 2,000 years ago we do not have to suffer or endure all that Christ already did because He truly overcame and won for us. We will always face opposition BUT Jesus died and suffered so we can have his peace, spirit, and authority. Will you use it?

Today, grab your battle gear (Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, and Feet with readiness, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of Spirit) and take a stand against the ultimate schemer. The enemy can strike all he wants but because you have your armor on he stands no chance against you. You are a child of the King so now you have to act like it. Channel your inner Zena Warrior Princess! :)

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father God, help us to put on your full armor daily, not periodically. We know that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and that we are your children who you will always be protected. Let us not fear or waver. Help us to stretch our faith, stay vigilant and stand on your truth every second of the day. We thank you for loving us and surrounding us with your favor. Amen.  

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

~ Slow Down & Think ~

Slow down Monique! I have heard that my whole life. Not just in the physical but in the mental. At a young age, I would talk and did not feel “heard” or acknowledged so I felt the need to talk and talk until I “felt” someone was listening. I did not think before I talked. I spat out everything that was on my mind. I have no filter. Total word vomit……..

Little did I know that this was not good behavior to have as I sadly would be in for a rude awakening because neither communication nor life works in this way. Instead, I believe that my parents should have corrected my little tail and set me straight so I knew that this type of thinking or behavior is not healthy.

I grew up into a young lady and eventually a young mother to only learn the hard way that this is NOT my world and everyone just doesn’t live in it MY way. My parents did the best they knew how but looking back in retrospect, I was a brat! I had this “it is all about me” mentality. I believe I acted this way because I was so hurt and in pain from being sexually abused. I was filled with anger towards many.

Throughout the years I have learned to slow down some and think before I speak because of Jesus Christ. I promise you I can babble on a hundred miles a minute if you let me. Side note: Needless to say our youngest son is this exact same way. Hahahah……So not cool when the shoe is on the other foot. But we are working with him on this. He likes to say “this is how God made me”. Let’s just say things do come around full circle. J

In this fast paced world, we not only need to slow down physically and stop thinking we are the energizer bunnies but we need to pause and allow ourselves to think about our frame of mind before we communicate with others. When I allow myself to slow down and think, I now have a chance to make sure I respond to the other person appropriately. Choosing my words carefully will help my communication skills and I won’t just be babbling on to friends, family or co-workers being this “emotional responder”. This way of logical thinking also builds my patience mind, body and soul and gives the other person a chance to be heard (two way street). You know the patience that I pray to the Lord to have almost every second? Well, I can start to make progress if I slow down and think more.

Sisters I encourage you to slow down your thinking. Try and take at least 15-30 minutes before responding to people especially if it is a big decision. Use your judgment, if it is something that needs immediate action make sure you evaluate your frame of mind. If you know you are sad, mad, or frustrated at someone WAIT to respond. Don’t give the enemy a foothold into thinking you cannot control your emotions. Because when we partner with the Lord ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE THAT BELIEVE. The Lord can transform us into all we need to be for His glory in His timing.

Together, we shall grow!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I thank you for your wisdom and guidance, your truth and light. Thank you for showing me that I need to make adjustments to myself. Thank you for helping me to be whole and healed in Jesus’ name. Lord, I am nothing without the grace you so generously provide me every minute of the day. I want to grow Father and I know I cannot do that when I rely on me and not you, please forgive me. Thank you for your pruning process. I love you! Amen. 

Monday, May 26, 2014

~ You are HIS ~

Nothing I can ever do can make Jesus change His mind about me. The purpose He has for my life will come to pass regardless of me trying to get in the way. How do I know? It says in His word.

I use to be an emotional drinker. I ran to alcohol every time life dealt me something I was not prepared for. I drank to fill voids in my life. The other day I was seriously in my feelings. Much has happened lately that has been overwhelming. To be honest, I am my own worst critic. I was down on myself and was really getting to a place that I knew needed adjustment FAST. Just as I was about to reach for my keys and head to the nearest corner store to buy a couple of bottles of wine I messaged a friend. Note: Having accountability partners and most importantly women who love the Lord is vitally important. I explained to her my feelings and some of my thoughts to date. Just like Jesus, she was there. She explained I am still His through whatever I do and that the enemy is still using the same old tactics to distract me. Every message I read I could feel a shift in me. I asked her to pray. I did what I knew I needed to do EVEN though my flesh said otherwise. I opened the word.

Ladies, you will have to press through your feelings and make yourself do what you know is right for you or this sly slick devil with try and weasel his way in. I did not go to the corner store, I let Jesus fill me and I am thankful. I refuse to let my "feelings" boss me around. Just because my feelings try and make me think or do things that are against God's will for me in my life doesn't mean I am not HIS. I am a child of the King and He will always keep watch over me.

I share this with you because I want you to know you are not alone and through whatever Jesus will always love you. You are His and that will never change. He will meet you right where you are IF you let Him.

If you have no accountability partner, I will be yours. I will pray with you. You can always email me if you have a need. ( Jesus may not have an email address BUT he does have a book where he offers constant encouragement. :)

May the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you. May the Lord shine His face upon you.

Smile. You are loved!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let's Pray:
Father, thank you for those friends you have placed in our lives that will help keep us in line. Thank you for meeting us right where we are. You are a faithful God and will always love us through whatever adversity we face. Forgive us Lord for the times where we rely on ourselves and not you. Help us to place our trust in you and not worry for you alone are our strongholds. We love you Lord! In Jesus' name we pray. Amen

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

~ When I Rise, Give me JESUS ~

Isn’t it just like the enemy to come along and try and deter us from God’s plan? Let me share a little of what he TRIED to do to me this morning in the way of my attitude and his nonstop chatter.  

My husband is away traveling (he spoils me mind you) and I am working full-time, in school, and have a home and 7 year old plus 3 4 legged daughters to care for. It is Wednesday, mid-week and I am feeling so tired and exhausted. I wanted to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head and tell everything that needed my attention to go take a hike. I woke up just not feeling the day. I stood in bed and I thought okay Monique you have 2 choices. You can sit here “feeling” some kind of way (listening to the chatter of the enemy) or you can fall to your knees and thank the Lord for the new opportunities, grace, love and mercy he has given you and GET IT MOVING!

Needless to say after about 10 more minutes of “woe is me” I rolled out of the bed straight to my knees. I found our Bose speaker and blasted worship music. I CHOSE the Lord. In the morning when I rise, please give me Jesus! 
Sisters, all days will not be peachy as you already figured out. We will have to come face to face with this lying snake and fight him off with our obedience and faith. He cannot read our minds so we need to show him our battle stance. He will do everything is his power to deter and distract you. He will try and make you think that your kids, husband, school, work, and yes the 4 legged children you have are distractions. But thank God we are not our feelings and we have free will and can decide to MOVE and fall to our knees in worship. 2 Timothy 1:7 says God gives us power, love and self-discipline. So we have it all in us. We need to tap into it. 

So today, get up! fall to your knees blast your favorite worship track and choose the Lord. The Lord’s promises for you are not changeable. He is with you always!
In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father God, I come before you with open arms. Forgive me for trying to start my days in my own strength. I am nothing without you and I thank you that your mercy is new every morning. Help me to stay focused, strong with my head held high. I am favored, liked and blessed. By your word I have power and self- discipline to do all I need to in your name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Monday, May 19, 2014

~ Be Still............Come Find Rest in ME ~

Grab some coffee this one is long. :)   

I have been a busy bee since I can remember, always moving and never stopping to just take a breather. I use to like to always have something to do, always keep busy and always have a task list. I use to hate being alone or just sitting still. Something about the awkwardness of it made me uneasy. As a young girl, if my parents or older siblings left me alone I would be so angry and cry bloody murder. Thank you Jesus, for saving a wretch like me.

About 6 months ago, I entered full-time work again after having a year and a half off and now looking back I can see the Lord’s handiwork in this season of my life. May I share?

My family and I were making a transition to a new area. I was not employed during this transition and it drove me bonkers. I carried this attitude with me to our new place. Once we finally got settled I tried and tried to apply for work within my skill set and I was unsuccessful. Interview after interview and nothing came about.  Again, I found myself screaming bloody murder but now as an adult woman because I hated being at home alone. I wanted to work.

My poor husband, he had to listen to his wife complain about how she deserves a great job. HA! I would pray and ask the Lord why can’t I find a job? Why do I need to just sit here and do laundry, clean and pick up after my husband and child? Lord, I have so much talent surely I can be used out in the workplace? HALT!!! Funny now, but I was a hot mess! So selfish. Talk about a much needed attitude adjustment!

After months of an ugly attitude I finally heard from the Lord. He sweetly said “Monique, I need you to sit still and rest in me”. I did not like this answer. Me? Sit still? Lord, c’mon you know I can’t do that? Every book, sermon, scripture, or prayer I came in contact with had the scripture Psalm 46:10 in it. Now, things like that are not coincidences but at that time I did not pay much attention. Finally, after much of my own wanderings, I surrendered. I lifted my hands and said “your will Father”. Months of that prayer and God started showing me how to cultivate being a stay at home wife and mommy. I found my old love for paper again and I started writing. I was lost in prayer and writing love notes to my Father.  

Slowly, I started enjoying quiet time with God, alone ladies! I also found joy in cooking for my family. (My cooking became better) Laundry? Well, still learning to enjoy that one. Hahahah………But I could not wait until I had a moment of just me, my Bible and a quiet house. You see what he did? God used this time off I had from work to work on me. He started a pruning process so that I can learn what true rest was. Plus, he knew all those dead and ugly attitudes had to go. God started renewing my mind and injecting his foundational principles in me. He wanted me to sit quiet so I can hear from Him. God is good ladies. He turned my whole “I hate being alone” sob story to “Oh Jesus I love being alone with you”. Now, I NEED alone time. I cannot function without it. I am like a kid in a candy store when I get an hour all by myself to spend with the Lord.

God showed me that He did not want me so busy, tired frustrated or worn out that the only time I had for Him was maybe a couple minutes when I prayed in the shower. He wanted all distractions gone so that he can teach me not only how to be still but to find true rest in Him. All along God was knocking at the door of my heart and I did not hear Him because I was too distracted with life.  

I learned that true rest is not doing anything physically or mentally. It is in those moments when you sit there on your couch maybe or on your porch just you and the Lord. Today, I encourage you to set aside all possible distractions and find a quiet corner of the house or quiet spot in your mind and invite the Lord in. He is knocking and waiting for you to go away with Him to a place of true rest. Will you sit still long enough to hear His knocks? Will you let Him in? Answer the door ladies it is for you!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let's Pray: 
Father, thank you for being our true rest and peace. Forgive us for not answering your knocks at the door of our hearts. No more are the days when we let this world fill the voids in us that we know only you can fill. Help us to not be anxious for nothing because you O Lord are in control. Our desire is to be centered on you and you only so that we can meet you every day at our secret place of rest. I love you Lord not because of what you do for me but because of who you are. Amen 

Friday, May 16, 2014

1 Peter 3:1 Wife

I would like to share the life changing scripture that brought so much revelation to me during a really rough time in my marriage. I had so much pain in me that I could not see past anything. During this time, the Lord stood close to me and I am forever grateful. Even through pain I immersed myself in His word. That was the only thing that brought me true comfort. The scripture that melted my heart was 1 Peter 3:1. It says “wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over by the behavior of their wives”.

I was so concerned about my husband’s walk with the Lord that I did not even take the time to nurture mine. I did not realize the nag or negative Nancy I became and of course submission was out the window. But when the Lord showed me this scripture something instantly clicked. My eyes and heart were opened. I knew that it was not my job to worry about my husband and his part in our marriage. I was not to worry about the development of his soul. I was to focus on how I can be a blessing to him, even though my pain. I was to let the Lord work with Him. I was to get out of the way and focus on being a light so that my husband could see Christ. When that clicked for me my focused changed and the Lord stepped in. He started working on my heart.
I dug in harder into his word. I read and read and read some more. I wrote verses down. I did all I could to store the word so deep in my heart that when trial came I had ammunition. Every thought was not negative. Every struggle seemed easier. The Lord stepped in and was doing the impossible in me. Isn't it wonderful how he does this? He takes the broken pieces of our heart and puts it all back together new. What a wonderful Father we have.
I am a work in progress and so is my marriage. But this scripture was the turning point for me and because I was changing, my marriage benefited. Do we have a perfect marriage? Um, no but who does anyway? But what I do know is that together we are on a journey and life has been filled with much more love, submission and forgiveness then ever before. Together we learn. Glory to God……
So ladies together we will learn as well what it is to be a 1 Peter 3:1 wife. Because God called us to be wives and he will always stand by us to fulfill his purpose. 

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I thank you that you are a turnaround God. That you take what was meant to hurt and harm me and work it all out in my favor. Father, please continue to help me be the wife you called me to be. Help me to be a light to my husband, that I may shine so bright he will definitely see you. I love you Father and I praise your name. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy. Amen

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

~ As for Me & MY House ~

I use to think that serving the Lord was some “religious” ritual only deeply, rooted crazy faithful people did. I thought well, surely there is no way I can serve the Lord, not with my rap sheet. You could have been the worst of the worse, serving the Lord requires a surrendered heart. What I failed to see was that serving the Lord is an attitude that I must choose to have. Then I follow this attitude with a continuous commitment towards Him daily, no matter what. I  promise to not take my eyes off the Lord. If I do, I get right back up and keep serving my gracious Father in the strength that he gives me, not my own. God doesn't require perfection from me. He requires a heart right before Him. 

As a wife, I serve the Lord by being a Godly example to my husband, by choosing patience instead of frustration. It is by waking early and setting the precedence for my day with the Lord that I choose Him. I serve the Lord when I help raise our children to follow Christ. I serve the Lord when I choose silence instead of word vomit. Surely I am not focused on the Lord when I refuse to forgive family members or always have to be right. : /

As for me and MY house, we will choose to serve the Lord even when what we see in front of us seems impossible. We will stand our ground, we will pray, we will love, we will serve each other. We will follow the Lord. I truly did live too long without the Lord to not choose to live for Him daily. I will never go back to who I was before. Will you join me? Will you choose to serve Him? 

Today, I encourage you to make a decision. Forget about yesterday, it is no longer here. Choose right here right now to serve the Lord in all that you do. Choose to serve Him not only at home but make it a priority that in whatever season, you will serve the Lord. Be more sisters! Together we will grow. 

In Christ, 
Monique Smith

Let’s Pray:

Father, we come to you with a surrendered heart. We choose to stop everything and serve you. No more are the days where we struggle and depend on ourselves. We choose to serve you at home, in our marriages, with our finances, with our children even in the grocery line at the store, Lord. Father we declare that any stronghold that is not of you is broken in the name of Jesus’. Help us to stay focused on you and not become weary or bored in service to you. Amen

Sunday, May 11, 2014

~ S.O.A.P your Scripture (Bible Study Method) ~

Understanding scripture can be challenging. Especially if you are just starting to read the Bible or just gave your life to Christ. I know that when I started reading the Bible for the first time I felt overwhelmed. I sat there and could not understand a word that it was saying. I gave up often because it just seemed to complicated. It was not until I started praying more and more to the Lord and asking Him to open up my eyes and heart when the Bible started to make sense. 

I downloaded the yourversion app on my smartphone and iPad and started reading different translations of the Bible. I started in CEV – Contemporary English Version. I purchased many books online trying to help me understand the Bible more. Technology is wonderful and much was found at my fingertips. I found that the more I studied and the more I cared to find extra resources to help me, the more I developed passion for reading the word. God knows your heart and He will reveal much revelation to you if you ask Him and you are patient with the learning process. If and when frustration sets in that is because you are operating in your own strength and not the Lord's. 

What also helped was following devotions (Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer or Stormie Omartian) and scripture study guides. Having suggested scripture study guides helped so much. Many Bibles have suggested reading guides to help you get started, if not you can Google some. Also, I came across a specific method for studying that changed my understanding of what I was reading some time ago, this method is called S.O.A.P. (Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer) study. Here is a link to help you understand. Good Morning Girls also is a group you want to check out. 

The abbreviation for (S) in Scripture means to write out the scripture. You can write the scripture in many translations if you must to comprehend it. (O) in Observation means to write down what you understand from that particular scripture or passage (what popped out for you?). (A) in Application means to answer the question: How do I apply what I observed in the scripture to my life? Lastly, (P) in prayer means to pray over what you just read or this is your opportunity to communicate with the Lord. This method is genius and it really helps you to dive into the word of God. But most importantly remember there is no right or wrong way to study God's word as long as you are doing it. You cannot expect to be saved and then you are automatically given spiritual insight. Sisters this insight must be pursued.

I encourage you to set aside specific times of the day to read the word of God. Get blank pieces of paper and divide out sections for S.O.A.P. study. Personally, I read early in the morning, on my lunch breaks and in the evening before bed practicing this method at least once daily. Start small if you must but do something to get it etched in your heart. Becoming saved was the best decision you could have made for your life, now I encourage you to study God’s character by reading His word. I thank Him daily that he gave us His word and that we were not left hanging with no guidance. He cared enough for our lives to give us an instructional guide, the Bible. :)

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let’s pray:
Jesus, thank you for your word. Thank you that you have given me the opportunity to study your word in a fresh creative way. Please open up my heart, mind and eyes to what you are trying to teach me when I open the Bible. Help me to be patient with myself and not get discouraged if something does not make sense at first. Develop in me a desire for your word and let me practice and apply what I read. I love you Lord and I choose to pursue you in studying. Amen

Thursday, May 8, 2014

~ God Has the FINAL Say ~

Are you dodging, bobbing and weaving? Doing all you can to weave in and out of all that is coming at you? You kind of feel like Keanu Reeves in the movie Matrix, doing a crazy body bending exercise to stay out of the way of the enemy’s strategies to make you fall.

Home life is rough – no one is communicating, finances? well, there is none, kids are just not making wise decisions and you are worried about them, work is frustrating, your health is not where it needs to be or you just feel down right defeated? There is so much noise going on in your head that you cannot hear from the Lord. Don’t lose hope sisters!!!!!!!  GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY. He is moving in on your behalf. He will make your name great. He will shine upon you. He says so in His word. Look it up. Turn to the word and he will show you what he is doing for you. Keep going!

You see when the enemy say’s “you are about nothing” God says you are HIS. When the enemy says “You will fail” YOU say “I am not your business”. Every aspect of your life belongs to the Lord because you gave your life to Christ. Now, all will not be easy, however, God brings you hope and promises of comfort. God says:

I am the cornerstone of your life (Ephesians 2:20)
I will protect you (Psalm 91:1-16)
I will restore your joy (John 16:24)
I will hear your cries (Matthew 21:22)
I will breathe life into you (Genesis 2:7)
I will send my angels to comfort you (Psalm 91:11)
IT IS NOT OVER…..(Galatians 6:9)

I encourage you to keep pressing, keep fasting, keep reading, keep believing, keep hoping, keep moving, hold your head high because there is a shift coming. God has the final say about what is going on in your life

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let’s Pray:

Father, you see all that is going on in my life and you don’t need my help. Today, I choose to trust you and not worry. I am not looking for you to fulfill my desires. I want you to fulfill your destiny in my life so I look to you where my health, hope and strength comes from. In your word you promise life, love, hope, restoration, and my daily bread for every trial. You are my stronghold and I trust that you have the final say. I let go Father so that you can have your way in my life right now. I plead the blood of Jesus. Amen

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

~ On the Go Spiritual Notebook ~

I wanted to share my JR sized ARC that I purchased from staples. I use it for my on the go note taking/book study/scripture referencing resource that I carry in my purse. It is 5.5x 8.5 so it is not that big, easily portable. This was all under $15.00

I believe, in order to combat negative thinking or when your past tries to rear it's ugly head you need to have an arsenal of strategies against the enemy and the word of God is the main strategy for that. Writing down what you are learning can be so much help while he is molding you. Much revelation happens in the quiet time you have with God.

When you have the word tucked in your heart so deeply you can fight back against the lies of the enemy also you are learning your identity in Christ that no devil in hell can ever take from you. Having something portable on the go with you can help. For me, this resource helps me keep my head in his word so there is no time for an idle mind. Plus it is cute. :)

I write my study notes from books that I am reading. I have a devotion section so I can follow the current plans I am doing and I have a scripture area I labeled "Food" because it contents feeds my soul. This notebook is one of the many resources I have and use with my walk with the Lord.

This is the front cover of the ARC (reminds me that I am bold and confident in the Lord)

and top tabs labeled: Devotion, Study and Food

This is the study section (notes when I read books) which I write down my prayers as well

Scripture section (scripture for different scenarios) This page is scriptures to mediate on during trials I face

Devotion (section I use to write out my current plans I follow) Currently doing Joyce Meyer 1 year devotional

Well there you have it. Simple and to the point. Grab a notebook ladies and together let's seek the Lord.

Happy learning!!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

~ Be Patient with Yourself. God is Working ~

Why God? Why is all this happening to me? Nothing is working in my favor? Things are not changing and I gave my life to you? Am I not protected as your servant? Please do something Father!

Often times that is our cry, I know that was mine for years. I figured that once I gave my life over to Jesus that my life was to instantly change. What I did not understand was that my heart and mind had to be renewed. The decision to change my life in Christ was made but there was so many habits and wrong thinking that I had in me that I needed total reconstruction surgery on my heart so I could see myself through God’s lens and not mine.  But I was not patient with God nor myself at this time.

Thankfully God has given us free will and we can make all the choices that we need to in order to get things moving in the right direction for our lives. What is crucial during this time of change is that we need to fill our heart with right things (positive self-talk, mediate on scripture, attach ourselves to a local body church) so the deprogramming of the wrong things (cursing, alcohol, negative thinking, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness etc.) can happen. Don’t get discouraged friends! God is not through yet. The best is yet to come for you.

We need to not start to think that “oh this Christian walk thing is too hard. I need to change my whole life and live by so many rules”. Please know that Satan is having a party when we talk and start to think like that because his main strategy is to get you as far away from the Lord as possible. He wants nothing more than for you to live in misery and do his work as he is the Father of lies. (See John 8:44)

Fill your heart with all the materials you can on God’s word. God doesn't automatically fill your heart with his word when you got saved. You must go and do that for yourself. He will bring clarity to you though when you ask.

I am reading a phenomenal book called: Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets them Free by Nancy Leigh Demoss. I highly recommend this to you. It is filled with so much truth sisters. She explains all the lies that us as women tend to believe. 

If frustration has already set it and you feel like giving up on the best decision you made for your life, there is good news! You do not have to live with the burden of trying to change yourself. God wants to do the heavy lifting for you. Take it minute by minute if you must. But pray. Believe. Have hope. God loves you!
In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Father God, I know that I belong to you but I still feel very anxious at times. I now that those feelings are not of you. Please help me renew my mind and help me to start filling my heart with your word. I surrender my way of doing things and wait on you. When I sit to spend some time with you please let my heart be open ready to receive. I pray my eyes open to much understanding. Help me to believe and trust in you, not what I see. Thank you for your constant love you have toward me. I am believing for more and I will be patient with myself because all things work together for my good. Amen.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

~ Your Grace is Sufficient for Me ~

Today was a wonderful day full of love and laughter. I walk/jogged and ran at our church’s 5k fun run. My husband came back early from travel. The run was wonderful. It was a gorgeous day and our 6 year old did it with me. I believe when you purposely stop to smell the roses life becomes so much simpler. I remember days when I wasted them away because I made life complicated by assuming, wanting to be right and selfishness. Isn’t it amazing how God just turns our lives around? When he works with you and starts to mold you into His image? He takes our painful trials and turns them into a beautiful dance. I tell you I was dancing the day away, singing, laughing, and relaxing and ended it in prayer – thanksgiving. How is this all possible? So glad you asked. J

Grace. The Lord gave me grace. What is grace? Grace is favor ladies. It is the free gift of God’s strength and love. You see what I could never do in my own strength He daily gives me His favor to make it all possible. When I am operating in God’s favor life is simple. He makes sure I have just the right amount of grace needed to do what he has called me to do. I believe grace and God’s plan go hand and hand. He already knows how he wants our day mapped out but we interrupt his plans by going ahead of him. He gives us his grace (love, favor, strength) to fulfill his plan but there we are again like grasshoppers trying to think we need to help the Lord. So thankful that God’s mercy and grace renews every day, because I sure do need it.

Sisters, God wants to give you his grace too. He wants you to enjoying your life here every day in His strength, not your own. No more going around the same mountain of pain. Give it to Him and embrace the grace he so freely gives so that you may have and enjoy your life.

In Christ,

Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I want to experience the joy and the peace you have given me. I need your strength to endure when I see no way out of life's challenges. You said in your word that your grace is sufficient for me help me to believe this. I am thankful that your hand in my life is all I need to have and enjoy it. Thank you for your word and most of all thank you for your grace. Even though I miss the mark sometimes Lord, I love you and thank you for it because it is by your grace that I am saved. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen

Thursday, May 1, 2014

~ Embrace Your Single Season ~

Do you wish to become a wife? I always dreamt of being a wife, to have the opportunity to mother many girls and have a loving man by my side? Ahhhhh, my perfect happy place and just the perfect “ white picket fence” life to have. Truth is I had no idea what it truly meant to be a wife. I was really good at fantasizing though. My life so did not match my “dream” as I got older. But thankfully God did show me just what His purpose was for me as a wife.  May I share?

I was married before. I married young and had no idea what I was getting myself into. That marriage ended in divorce quickly. Why? I was not prepared to be a wife. We were not equally yoked and we shared different goals and mindsets. I thank the Lord for the process in it all but he had a much bigger plan for me. I remarried. The beginning was a rocky start. For years I tried, again everything in my own strength. What I did not realize was that I did not bear the image of the Lord WHAT SO EVER! I had no personal relationship with him. So all I could give my husband was the left over pain of the last marriage and a selfish lost woman who had a rough empty childhood.

Let me share with you what the Lord revealed to me about what a wife is in the marriage: A wife comes alongside her husband to be his helpmeet, not a hindrance. She encourages him and helps him grow in Christ. She is patient and kind and generous and lives up to the Proverbs 31 women we read about. She truly wants her husband to lead the home and takes care of the home in a way that he feels safe and secure and most importantly glad to be there. She is not rude, selfish and just in the marriage to see what he can do for her. It is just the opposite, she takes the time to nurture herself so that she can give her all to her husband. She wants her soul developed so Christ can shine in and through her.

From experience, I learned that if a woman does not take the time to prepare her heart in Christ before the marriage, becoming a wife will not do the marriage any justice especially her husband. You learn so much about yourself in the process of becoming one and it is crucial to allow yourself to grow in Christ before marriage.  God designed marriage to be the representation of His image in both the husband and wife. If you do not bear his image your marriage will be hard to flourish and how can you be all you need to be for your husband if your heart is not right before the Lord? If you already married then there is hope still. Ask the Lord to forgive you and tell Him you want to be worked on.

The single season God has you in is for a purpose. Think of it as a pruning process of what is to come. Trust that the Lord knows what he is doing. Don’t be so eager to have “a man” and not wait on God’s way of doing things. He may not have a husband written in his plan for you and you have got to be content with that. Trust me you would much rather have a marriage that is built of the Lord then one that is not. It is not cute living outside of God’s will and boy is it oh so painful.

If today, you are not married and you wish to be. I say wait on the Lord. Let him have the final say on who is supposed to lead your home. Why rush through the beautiful process of his plan? Work on you -your mindsets, your responses, and your love walk. Embrace this season of your life and trust that he knows what he is doing.
So here is to your process and journey. J

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I thank you that you are instructing me in the way I should go. I thank you that your guidance and leading concerning your will, your plan, and your purpose for my life is in your hands.  I may not understand or see exactly what your plans are in reference to becoming a wife but I trust you acknowledge my desires and will get me to where I need to be in your timing. Help me to be patient and not be anxious for anything. I love you Lord and I pray in Jesus name. Amen