For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Battle Stance - Zena Warrior Princess

Sometimes I feel like I am David defeating Goliath and some days I feel like the woman at the well so sadden and ashamed. I go back and forth with emotional torment. You ever been there? I was reminding myself the other day in prayer that the inconsistent thought patterns I have surely are not of the Lord. He wants me whole and not fluctuating back and forth in emotions so I need to stay vigilant.

 I started thinking about my battle stance lately. Am I ready to fight against the lies and schemes of this enemy? Or will I just let him pick on me like some bully at the school yard. I play this battle scene in my mind where I star as Zena Warrior Princess with my cool cute outfit and warrior style moves. When the enemy moves closer I karate chop him in the throat (Bam! Take that). This battle stance helps me tremendously when the enemy tries to attack me.  Plus, I chuckle at myself sometimes and it lightens the mood.

I will say that this enemy and I do fight. He tries to remind me of my past and I throw God’s character in his face (Belt of Truth). Sometimes he will try and get me with thoughts of condemnation and I blast my worship music louder (Sword of Spirit). Oh, and the world famous “you are not a good wife or mother” and then I serve and love (Feet with Readiness) them harder and I am sure he is having a fit.

Ladies, you have to purposely stand guard ready to fight the good fight of faith with your full armor of God on. You cannot wait to grab your armor right when the enemy is about to strike. You need to prepare.  I pray to the Lord daily that he helps me with my battle stance. I want to be victorious and rack up some wins in this battle. The only way I win is when I put on the total armor of God and remember that Jesus is my Protector, Stronghold and Shield.

Because of what took place on the cross 2,000 years ago we do not have to suffer or endure all that Christ already did because He truly overcame and won for us. We will always face opposition BUT Jesus died and suffered so we can have his peace, spirit, and authority. Will you use it?

Today, grab your battle gear (Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, and Feet with readiness, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of Spirit) and take a stand against the ultimate schemer. The enemy can strike all he wants but because you have your armor on he stands no chance against you. You are a child of the King so now you have to act like it. Channel your inner Zena Warrior Princess! :)

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father God, help us to put on your full armor daily, not periodically. We know that we overcome by the blood of the lamb and that we are your children who you will always be protected. Let us not fear or waver. Help us to stretch our faith, stay vigilant and stand on your truth every second of the day. We thank you for loving us and surrounding us with your favor. Amen.