For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

~ Purposeful Women ~

We are children of the highest God and he made us all with uniqueness and purpose (Ephesians 2:10). We are all created to do different things that impact his kingdom. But do we really believe it? Do you really believe that you can live on purpose with Christ as your guide?

Often times we can let what we see in front of us side track us from pressing on to complete God’s will for our life daily. People often wonder well, I do not know what my purpose is? I do not know what God wants me to do? Well, you can’t just sit there and wait for it to just “pop” in your head one day as maybe that is not even of God’s will. You must purposely pursue God’s word and study it. You have to move. Give Him something to work with. He will reveal much to you, in His timing. Will you believe? Can you trust what the Lord says to you through the word he so graciously gave you? 

O Sisters, I promise that you will find much of what God desires through reading his word and taking Him at his word. When you take the time to cultivate a relationship with Him just as you would your other important relationships, he comes along side you as your friend and mentor. When you listen to what the world says and you believe it now you are vulnerable to many lies from your adversary, that sly snake.God’s voice will then sound muffled and you can possible start to live in what you see for yourself instead of what he sees for you. Trusting that the Lord is for you and never against you will help you to understand that you are protected (Romans 8:31). If you feel protected chances are reassurance will come about. With reassurance, comes confidence and you are in a better position to fight the good fight of faith because you know you are loved. It is all a domino effect.

Today, I encourage you to read his word and what it says. Titus 2:3-5 reveals much about God’s purpose and provision for you.  

Personally, I see my purpose as encouraging and loving others In Christ. To empower, coach and be a mentor to others mainly women, to use my God-given abilities to advance the kingdom of God. But first, I have to see myself through God’s eyes before I can “think” about my purpose. I must be a woman of purpose. 

I desire to be kind and patient with God’s people and cut others some slack don't you? Sisters if we do not understand God’s grace how can we try and do these things? Let our mind purposely think this today: Decrease me Lord so that you can increase. Be of great cheer, YOU HAVE PURPOSE! 

Let’s go Ladies! Together we shall seek the Lord and grow!  

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father God, I am nothing in my own strength. All I have is because of you. Help me to understand your word in a way that sparks life in me. Help me to use the abilities you so gracious gave me so that I may be your hands and feet here on earth. I thank you for loving me Jesus and for being my light, protector and friend. I love you! Amen.