For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, June 6, 2014

~ Blessed to BE a Blessing ~

I have always been the individual who loves to give. I am not bragging but it is so very true.  I love to see the smile and shock on people’s face when they are given a surprise. I also love to encourage others. Something about it all makes my heart so full I could burst. I am so glad God made me this way. I often give to strangers, people I don’t know. I am an extrovert. I NEVER meet a stranger.  You really never know what a person is going through and if deliberately pursue God’s people with a pure heart and show small random act of kindness it can really brighten people’s lives so why not do it?

If you all follow me on Instagram or Facebook I just recently posted about how a coworker gave me a random act of kindness. I have been eyeing her gorgeous leather tote for week’s maybe even a month. Today, she gave it to me. She walked over while I was in mid conversation with other co-workers and just handed it over to me and said “here, I know you have been eyeing this so I want you to have it, plus you need motivation lately”. Isn’t that the truth? She was so right.

God used my co-worker to remind me of His love. I think that is exactly what those “random acts of kindness” are. It is God gently putting His hands on our backs and saying “I love you”. He can’t be here on earth in the flesh BUT he can and surely does live through us in Spirit daily. Random acts of kindness are about Him, not us. Yes, they are nice to receive but I believe they are made for HIS purpose and plan. So that others can get to know Him through us. After all, we are his children- small bitty versions of Him. J

There is a season and a time in heaven (Ecclesiastes 3) according to God’s perfect plan and purpose as to when a harvest will come for each and every one of us. Embracing that plan and provision can be a little difficult sometimes but we must not faint nor get weary in doing well (Galatians 6:9) while waiting on the Lord. Whether it is a gorgeous leather tote, a job, restoration in a broken marriage or for your child to come home, God will provide for you. He knows the desires of your heart and he will give it to you in HIS time, not yours.

The best solution for test and trial is to be a blessing to others. (Genesis 12:2) Today, do something random for a person? Bring them a cup of coffee or just give them a hug. Do something to advance God’s kingdom ladies. Bring a smile to someone’s face let them see the Father we serve.

Let’s go ladies together we will grow!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Jesus, how can I serve you today? How can I bless your Holy name in the lives of your sweet people? Lead me; help me to be a blessing to others, Father God. I want to grow and be a woman after your heart, Lord but I need help to do that. Thank you for all that you have given to me. I want to give back. I pray for the right opportunity and moment. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen