For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, May 8, 2014

~ God Has the FINAL Say ~

Are you dodging, bobbing and weaving? Doing all you can to weave in and out of all that is coming at you? You kind of feel like Keanu Reeves in the movie Matrix, doing a crazy body bending exercise to stay out of the way of the enemy’s strategies to make you fall.

Home life is rough – no one is communicating, finances? well, there is none, kids are just not making wise decisions and you are worried about them, work is frustrating, your health is not where it needs to be or you just feel down right defeated? There is so much noise going on in your head that you cannot hear from the Lord. Don’t lose hope sisters!!!!!!!  GOD HAS THE FINAL SAY. He is moving in on your behalf. He will make your name great. He will shine upon you. He says so in His word. Look it up. Turn to the word and he will show you what he is doing for you. Keep going!

You see when the enemy say’s “you are about nothing” God says you are HIS. When the enemy says “You will fail” YOU say “I am not your business”. Every aspect of your life belongs to the Lord because you gave your life to Christ. Now, all will not be easy, however, God brings you hope and promises of comfort. God says:

I am the cornerstone of your life (Ephesians 2:20)
I will protect you (Psalm 91:1-16)
I will restore your joy (John 16:24)
I will hear your cries (Matthew 21:22)
I will breathe life into you (Genesis 2:7)
I will send my angels to comfort you (Psalm 91:11)
IT IS NOT OVER…..(Galatians 6:9)

I encourage you to keep pressing, keep fasting, keep reading, keep believing, keep hoping, keep moving, hold your head high because there is a shift coming. God has the final say about what is going on in your life

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let’s Pray:

Father, you see all that is going on in my life and you don’t need my help. Today, I choose to trust you and not worry. I am not looking for you to fulfill my desires. I want you to fulfill your destiny in my life so I look to you where my health, hope and strength comes from. In your word you promise life, love, hope, restoration, and my daily bread for every trial. You are my stronghold and I trust that you have the final say. I let go Father so that you can have your way in my life right now. I plead the blood of Jesus. Amen