For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, May 11, 2014

~ S.O.A.P your Scripture (Bible Study Method) ~

Understanding scripture can be challenging. Especially if you are just starting to read the Bible or just gave your life to Christ. I know that when I started reading the Bible for the first time I felt overwhelmed. I sat there and could not understand a word that it was saying. I gave up often because it just seemed to complicated. It was not until I started praying more and more to the Lord and asking Him to open up my eyes and heart when the Bible started to make sense. 

I downloaded the yourversion app on my smartphone and iPad and started reading different translations of the Bible. I started in CEV – Contemporary English Version. I purchased many books online trying to help me understand the Bible more. Technology is wonderful and much was found at my fingertips. I found that the more I studied and the more I cared to find extra resources to help me, the more I developed passion for reading the word. God knows your heart and He will reveal much revelation to you if you ask Him and you are patient with the learning process. If and when frustration sets in that is because you are operating in your own strength and not the Lord's. 

What also helped was following devotions (Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer or Stormie Omartian) and scripture study guides. Having suggested scripture study guides helped so much. Many Bibles have suggested reading guides to help you get started, if not you can Google some. Also, I came across a specific method for studying that changed my understanding of what I was reading some time ago, this method is called S.O.A.P. (Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer) study. Here is a link to help you understand. Good Morning Girls also is a group you want to check out. 

The abbreviation for (S) in Scripture means to write out the scripture. You can write the scripture in many translations if you must to comprehend it. (O) in Observation means to write down what you understand from that particular scripture or passage (what popped out for you?). (A) in Application means to answer the question: How do I apply what I observed in the scripture to my life? Lastly, (P) in prayer means to pray over what you just read or this is your opportunity to communicate with the Lord. This method is genius and it really helps you to dive into the word of God. But most importantly remember there is no right or wrong way to study God's word as long as you are doing it. You cannot expect to be saved and then you are automatically given spiritual insight. Sisters this insight must be pursued.

I encourage you to set aside specific times of the day to read the word of God. Get blank pieces of paper and divide out sections for S.O.A.P. study. Personally, I read early in the morning, on my lunch breaks and in the evening before bed practicing this method at least once daily. Start small if you must but do something to get it etched in your heart. Becoming saved was the best decision you could have made for your life, now I encourage you to study God’s character by reading His word. I thank Him daily that he gave us His word and that we were not left hanging with no guidance. He cared enough for our lives to give us an instructional guide, the Bible. :)

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let’s pray:
Jesus, thank you for your word. Thank you that you have given me the opportunity to study your word in a fresh creative way. Please open up my heart, mind and eyes to what you are trying to teach me when I open the Bible. Help me to be patient with myself and not get discouraged if something does not make sense at first. Develop in me a desire for your word and let me practice and apply what I read. I love you Lord and I choose to pursue you in studying. Amen