For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

~ As for Me & MY House ~

I use to think that serving the Lord was some “religious” ritual only deeply, rooted crazy faithful people did. I thought well, surely there is no way I can serve the Lord, not with my rap sheet. You could have been the worst of the worse, serving the Lord requires a surrendered heart. What I failed to see was that serving the Lord is an attitude that I must choose to have. Then I follow this attitude with a continuous commitment towards Him daily, no matter what. I  promise to not take my eyes off the Lord. If I do, I get right back up and keep serving my gracious Father in the strength that he gives me, not my own. God doesn't require perfection from me. He requires a heart right before Him. 

As a wife, I serve the Lord by being a Godly example to my husband, by choosing patience instead of frustration. It is by waking early and setting the precedence for my day with the Lord that I choose Him. I serve the Lord when I help raise our children to follow Christ. I serve the Lord when I choose silence instead of word vomit. Surely I am not focused on the Lord when I refuse to forgive family members or always have to be right. : /

As for me and MY house, we will choose to serve the Lord even when what we see in front of us seems impossible. We will stand our ground, we will pray, we will love, we will serve each other. We will follow the Lord. I truly did live too long without the Lord to not choose to live for Him daily. I will never go back to who I was before. Will you join me? Will you choose to serve Him? 

Today, I encourage you to make a decision. Forget about yesterday, it is no longer here. Choose right here right now to serve the Lord in all that you do. Choose to serve Him not only at home but make it a priority that in whatever season, you will serve the Lord. Be more sisters! Together we will grow. 

In Christ, 
Monique Smith

Let’s Pray:

Father, we come to you with a surrendered heart. We choose to stop everything and serve you. No more are the days where we struggle and depend on ourselves. We choose to serve you at home, in our marriages, with our finances, with our children even in the grocery line at the store, Lord. Father we declare that any stronghold that is not of you is broken in the name of Jesus’. Help us to stay focused on you and not become weary or bored in service to you. Amen