For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, May 16, 2014

1 Peter 3:1 Wife

I would like to share the life changing scripture that brought so much revelation to me during a really rough time in my marriage. I had so much pain in me that I could not see past anything. During this time, the Lord stood close to me and I am forever grateful. Even through pain I immersed myself in His word. That was the only thing that brought me true comfort. The scripture that melted my heart was 1 Peter 3:1. It says “wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over by the behavior of their wives”.

I was so concerned about my husband’s walk with the Lord that I did not even take the time to nurture mine. I did not realize the nag or negative Nancy I became and of course submission was out the window. But when the Lord showed me this scripture something instantly clicked. My eyes and heart were opened. I knew that it was not my job to worry about my husband and his part in our marriage. I was not to worry about the development of his soul. I was to focus on how I can be a blessing to him, even though my pain. I was to let the Lord work with Him. I was to get out of the way and focus on being a light so that my husband could see Christ. When that clicked for me my focused changed and the Lord stepped in. He started working on my heart.
I dug in harder into his word. I read and read and read some more. I wrote verses down. I did all I could to store the word so deep in my heart that when trial came I had ammunition. Every thought was not negative. Every struggle seemed easier. The Lord stepped in and was doing the impossible in me. Isn't it wonderful how he does this? He takes the broken pieces of our heart and puts it all back together new. What a wonderful Father we have.
I am a work in progress and so is my marriage. But this scripture was the turning point for me and because I was changing, my marriage benefited. Do we have a perfect marriage? Um, no but who does anyway? But what I do know is that together we are on a journey and life has been filled with much more love, submission and forgiveness then ever before. Together we learn. Glory to God……
So ladies together we will learn as well what it is to be a 1 Peter 3:1 wife. Because God called us to be wives and he will always stand by us to fulfill his purpose. 

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I thank you that you are a turnaround God. That you take what was meant to hurt and harm me and work it all out in my favor. Father, please continue to help me be the wife you called me to be. Help me to be a light to my husband, that I may shine so bright he will definitely see you. I love you Father and I praise your name. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy. Amen