For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

~ On the Go Spiritual Notebook ~

I wanted to share my JR sized ARC that I purchased from staples. I use it for my on the go note taking/book study/scripture referencing resource that I carry in my purse. It is 5.5x 8.5 so it is not that big, easily portable. This was all under $15.00

I believe, in order to combat negative thinking or when your past tries to rear it's ugly head you need to have an arsenal of strategies against the enemy and the word of God is the main strategy for that. Writing down what you are learning can be so much help while he is molding you. Much revelation happens in the quiet time you have with God.

When you have the word tucked in your heart so deeply you can fight back against the lies of the enemy also you are learning your identity in Christ that no devil in hell can ever take from you. Having something portable on the go with you can help. For me, this resource helps me keep my head in his word so there is no time for an idle mind. Plus it is cute. :)

I write my study notes from books that I am reading. I have a devotion section so I can follow the current plans I am doing and I have a scripture area I labeled "Food" because it contents feeds my soul. This notebook is one of the many resources I have and use with my walk with the Lord.

This is the front cover of the ARC (reminds me that I am bold and confident in the Lord)

and top tabs labeled: Devotion, Study and Food

This is the study section (notes when I read books) which I write down my prayers as well

Scripture section (scripture for different scenarios) This page is scriptures to mediate on during trials I face

Devotion (section I use to write out my current plans I follow) Currently doing Joyce Meyer 1 year devotional

Well there you have it. Simple and to the point. Grab a notebook ladies and together let's seek the Lord.

Happy learning!!

In Christ,
Monique Smith