For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

~ Be Patient with Yourself. God is Working ~

Why God? Why is all this happening to me? Nothing is working in my favor? Things are not changing and I gave my life to you? Am I not protected as your servant? Please do something Father!

Often times that is our cry, I know that was mine for years. I figured that once I gave my life over to Jesus that my life was to instantly change. What I did not understand was that my heart and mind had to be renewed. The decision to change my life in Christ was made but there was so many habits and wrong thinking that I had in me that I needed total reconstruction surgery on my heart so I could see myself through God’s lens and not mine.  But I was not patient with God nor myself at this time.

Thankfully God has given us free will and we can make all the choices that we need to in order to get things moving in the right direction for our lives. What is crucial during this time of change is that we need to fill our heart with right things (positive self-talk, mediate on scripture, attach ourselves to a local body church) so the deprogramming of the wrong things (cursing, alcohol, negative thinking, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness etc.) can happen. Don’t get discouraged friends! God is not through yet. The best is yet to come for you.

We need to not start to think that “oh this Christian walk thing is too hard. I need to change my whole life and live by so many rules”. Please know that Satan is having a party when we talk and start to think like that because his main strategy is to get you as far away from the Lord as possible. He wants nothing more than for you to live in misery and do his work as he is the Father of lies. (See John 8:44)

Fill your heart with all the materials you can on God’s word. God doesn't automatically fill your heart with his word when you got saved. You must go and do that for yourself. He will bring clarity to you though when you ask.

I am reading a phenomenal book called: Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets them Free by Nancy Leigh Demoss. I highly recommend this to you. It is filled with so much truth sisters. She explains all the lies that us as women tend to believe. 

If frustration has already set it and you feel like giving up on the best decision you made for your life, there is good news! You do not have to live with the burden of trying to change yourself. God wants to do the heavy lifting for you. Take it minute by minute if you must. But pray. Believe. Have hope. God loves you!
In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Father God, I know that I belong to you but I still feel very anxious at times. I now that those feelings are not of you. Please help me renew my mind and help me to start filling my heart with your word. I surrender my way of doing things and wait on you. When I sit to spend some time with you please let my heart be open ready to receive. I pray my eyes open to much understanding. Help me to believe and trust in you, not what I see. Thank you for your constant love you have toward me. I am believing for more and I will be patient with myself because all things work together for my good. Amen.