For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, May 3, 2014

~ Your Grace is Sufficient for Me ~

Today was a wonderful day full of love and laughter. I walk/jogged and ran at our church’s 5k fun run. My husband came back early from travel. The run was wonderful. It was a gorgeous day and our 6 year old did it with me. I believe when you purposely stop to smell the roses life becomes so much simpler. I remember days when I wasted them away because I made life complicated by assuming, wanting to be right and selfishness. Isn’t it amazing how God just turns our lives around? When he works with you and starts to mold you into His image? He takes our painful trials and turns them into a beautiful dance. I tell you I was dancing the day away, singing, laughing, and relaxing and ended it in prayer – thanksgiving. How is this all possible? So glad you asked. J

Grace. The Lord gave me grace. What is grace? Grace is favor ladies. It is the free gift of God’s strength and love. You see what I could never do in my own strength He daily gives me His favor to make it all possible. When I am operating in God’s favor life is simple. He makes sure I have just the right amount of grace needed to do what he has called me to do. I believe grace and God’s plan go hand and hand. He already knows how he wants our day mapped out but we interrupt his plans by going ahead of him. He gives us his grace (love, favor, strength) to fulfill his plan but there we are again like grasshoppers trying to think we need to help the Lord. So thankful that God’s mercy and grace renews every day, because I sure do need it.

Sisters, God wants to give you his grace too. He wants you to enjoying your life here every day in His strength, not your own. No more going around the same mountain of pain. Give it to Him and embrace the grace he so freely gives so that you may have and enjoy your life.

In Christ,

Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I want to experience the joy and the peace you have given me. I need your strength to endure when I see no way out of life's challenges. You said in your word that your grace is sufficient for me help me to believe this. I am thankful that your hand in my life is all I need to have and enjoy it. Thank you for your word and most of all thank you for your grace. Even though I miss the mark sometimes Lord, I love you and thank you for it because it is by your grace that I am saved. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen