For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

~ When I Rise, Give me JESUS ~

Isn’t it just like the enemy to come along and try and deter us from God’s plan? Let me share a little of what he TRIED to do to me this morning in the way of my attitude and his nonstop chatter.  

My husband is away traveling (he spoils me mind you) and I am working full-time, in school, and have a home and 7 year old plus 3 4 legged daughters to care for. It is Wednesday, mid-week and I am feeling so tired and exhausted. I wanted to stay in bed and pull the covers over my head and tell everything that needed my attention to go take a hike. I woke up just not feeling the day. I stood in bed and I thought okay Monique you have 2 choices. You can sit here “feeling” some kind of way (listening to the chatter of the enemy) or you can fall to your knees and thank the Lord for the new opportunities, grace, love and mercy he has given you and GET IT MOVING!

Needless to say after about 10 more minutes of “woe is me” I rolled out of the bed straight to my knees. I found our Bose speaker and blasted worship music. I CHOSE the Lord. In the morning when I rise, please give me Jesus! 
Sisters, all days will not be peachy as you already figured out. We will have to come face to face with this lying snake and fight him off with our obedience and faith. He cannot read our minds so we need to show him our battle stance. He will do everything is his power to deter and distract you. He will try and make you think that your kids, husband, school, work, and yes the 4 legged children you have are distractions. But thank God we are not our feelings and we have free will and can decide to MOVE and fall to our knees in worship. 2 Timothy 1:7 says God gives us power, love and self-discipline. So we have it all in us. We need to tap into it. 

So today, get up! fall to your knees blast your favorite worship track and choose the Lord. The Lord’s promises for you are not changeable. He is with you always!
In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father God, I come before you with open arms. Forgive me for trying to start my days in my own strength. I am nothing without you and I thank you that your mercy is new every morning. Help me to stay focused, strong with my head held high. I am favored, liked and blessed. By your word I have power and self- discipline to do all I need to in your name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen