For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, November 24, 2014

~ Made for More ~

I was made for more. This was ringing in my ear last night before bed. I could not sleep because all I could think about was how “I was made for more”. We all were. God created each and every one of us with such great purpose. This purpose is hidden so deep in us that only Christ can help us unlock it. There was always this void in my life when I was younger and even growing into a woman. Something was missing. Until I got older and started to have a true relationship with Christ is when I understood that “something” was him. I desired a relationship with Christ and I did not even know it. That is how amazing God is. He makes us with a void only he can fill. No job, husband, child or material thing can fill us like Christ can. He takes our damaged, hurt and selfish self and transforms us to the loving, selfless, and kind person we were meant to be in him. He takes our indescribable pain, the unknown of our future, the impossible circumstance and injects hope into the dark dry places of our hearts. He turns it all around for our good. Jesus loves us so much and desires us to trust and believe in all that he is. He wants us to take him along throughout our lives and remember that he is our biggest cheerleader. He never wants us to fail. He wants us to live in the purpose that he created us for.

Many do not know what their “purpose” is. They search and search and often beg God to reveal it to them. Many, myself included think they hear from God when it fact it is not God who speaks to them but themselves who leads them astray. Ladies, purpose is found in the little. It is found in washing dishes sometimes, in being a mother, a friend, employee or wife. Purpose is going to work each day and being a light to your co-workers. There are those who are called to preach, teach, coach, or encourage. Those with the spiritual gifts God have given them, to glorify his kingdom. You will know you are living in your purpose when that purpose is your passion, glorifies God, helps others, aligns with scripture and you maybe get paid as a bonus for working in it. You know, not just the “never have to work a day in your life because you get paid to do what you love” kind of purpose. That type of job is wonderful, to get paid doing what you love to do is amazing. I am not saying that that type of purpose is not possible. I am speaking of the spiritual purpose that you and I were made for. The kind of purpose that keeps you awake at night, the one that makes you feel alive, ready, encouraged, hopeful just thriving with contentment. The one that you know God is well pleased with.

Today, if you are struggling with anything remember God is bigger. He is able and he is ready to work in your life. If you would just loosen your grips and move some you can give him a chance to be God. Worry less pray more (Matthew 6:34, Luke 12:25, John 14:27, & Psalm 55:22). It is not just some cute quote. It is the truth that is written in the word of God. Trust him at his word ladies. Be more. Let’s grow!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

 Prayer Starter:

 Lord, today I will not waver, move or give in to defeat. I will stand in faith and I will take you at your word. I will praise your name and keep my mouth from speaking negativity. You are my protector, my provider, my way maker. You are my light in this dark world or circumstance and I trust you. I believe that what you want to give to me is good and that you are right by my side today. I find my hope and peace in you. I thank you for your word and I thank you for this new day filled with your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Thursday, November 6, 2014

~ Negative Thoughts ~

My mind is a battlefield as Joyce Meyer says, in her most powerful book to date: Battlefield of the Mind. I was reading that I need to learn how to control the negative thoughts I let run around rampant in my mind. I need to immediately gather all those little tyrants, tie them all up, use the rope of God to secure them and send them free falling down to the fiery pit of hell FOR GOOD. Those thoughts want to harm me. They want to run, dance and play ring around the rosey with me and when I say no they will try to push me around like a school yard bully until I give in to them. I need to understand that they are the opposite of the cute little yellow minions I have seen on the movie, Despicable me. They are doing the dirty work of a real ugly sly snake in the grass who would love nothing more than to see me in severe doubt and confusion until I go crazy. Reading Joyce’s book motivates me to think of my negative thoughts as little soul sucking minions. I need to guard the entrance of my mind like a soldier would do at the fore front of a battle.  

I believe when you are trying to do work for the Lord that is when the enemy’s attack just seems so severe. This is exactly the time when we as believers should be speaking the word of God against those attacks. But let’s face it there will be times we are not successful and we give in to the little minions and we start to play with them.

God says in Ephesians 6:10-12, we are to be strong in Him. Put on his full armor so that we can fight against the devil’s evil tricks because our fight is not against people on this earth but against the rulers and authorities and powers of this world’s darkness: SATAN.  

Today, if you are doubtful just confused about life, your purpose, your past, your present or whatever negative thoughts that is trying to suck the joy out of you.  I encourage you to get your lasso and gather all those tyrants together and send them packing. Ladies, we are too valuable to the kingdom of God to go out like that. Pick up your sword and fight. Don’t waver. Don’t entertain those thoughts; they are not of the Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus all strongholds that are not of the Lord be broken now by the blood of Jesus. We are victorious in Christ. I stand with you as I have played with those little tyrants recently myself. You are not alone. Together we will grow and continue to live an abundant life daily just as Christ wants us to have.

In Christ,

Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I thank you that you protect us from the tricks of the enemy. That although it may not feel like it, right in the midst of chaos you come rushing in like a knight in shining armor shielding us with your saving grace and love. Help me to recognize the traps, tricks and tyrants of the enemy. May I use your full armor to combat and win the battle that goes on in my mind every second of the day. Thank you in advance for working everything out for my good. I stand ready. Amen

Monday, November 3, 2014

~ Faithful With the Little ~

Hello my sweet friends. It has been awhile. Many blessings and peace to you as we spend some time together. J

I started a new job with a new organization this past week and boy has it been an experience to date. I remember just weeks prior praying to God to get me back into the workforce again and he did. He blessed me with a job making more than I have ever made in my career. Well, in my typical fashion the complaining started. I support the HR functions in two different facilities and needless to say the travel started to weigh on me and I was only one week in. I started to complain to God, I felt this spirit of frustration and felt confused about working again. Mind you I do need to work hello I have bills to pay need I say more. So here I am in my ugly ungrateful attitude uncomfortable with the job I asked God for (what in the world, who does this?). I missed my couch, my hours of bible study, my morning coffee at my home with my cat. I wanted to quit because I wanted to start full-time ministry in Christian counseling or coaching or get a job in human services (as God silently chuckles).

BUT of course God had to intervene on his hot mess of a daughter. As I was talking to my husband last night, about my confusion he offered his encouragement and I sought the word. I prayed asking God to rid me of this ugly spirit and to show me what I needed to do. I woke this morning out of my sleep and I heard “if you can be faithful in the little you will be faithful in much”. I got out of bed and I heard it again. I brushed my teeth showered and there it was again. So I ask God "please help me to understand how this applies now". I picked up my phone and went to read in Psalms as I usually do for comfort. Psalm 37:3-4 says “trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart”. I take out a book of scriptures I purchased at a local grocery store called “God’s promises for everyday” I looked up scriptures on pleasing God in the table of contents. I open up to Colossians 1: 11 which says “his glorious power will make you patient and strong enough to endure anything, and you will be truly happy”. I thanked the Lord for his guidance and start getting dressed. As I go upstairs, I hear “if you can be faithful in the little you will be faithful with much” AGAIN and I say it over and over and then it hit me.

I was called to encourage women in Christ and use my personal testimony to help them in their walks with the Lord. So how can I do that if I cannot practice what I preach? If I am not acting like I am grateful for the job God gave me, you know the one I prayed for? How can I be God’s faithful servant in helping his precious daughters if I am complaining all the time and cannot get myself in order? He says “Monique don’t you give up. I need you to be faithful in the tasks in front of you (your new job, being a wife, finishing school etc) practice being patient and in my timing, when I think you are ready and when I can trust you with more, I will give you the desires of your heart. In the meantime, keep working as if you are working for me. Wow…..just wow. I will have you know this time I was not my typical rebellious self and I said “Yes, Lord”. J

 Ladies, I was in awe and just smiled and asked for forgiveness for being such a brat and thinking I can handle what I was going through in my own strength. I ran upstairs and told my husband immediately and he tells me “God will not give you more than you can bear, this is one of those things you are given and it all will make you stronger”. What a sweetheart right? God even uses him to speak to me. What an awesome Father we serve! I totally don't deserve it but God loves me despite me being nutzo.

So, after I pick my mouth up from the ground I drive to work and praise Jesus the whole way. I decided to silent all the confusion, doubt and fear I had in worship. I gave it all to God and purposely pursued his peace, because where peace lives so does Jesus. God cannot work in things that are not of him. I cannot get what I want all the time and I need to have a better attitude when I am uncomfortable. I had to change my perspective and I needed a “focus” reminder. My focus is to work unto the Lord like I had always told myself in whatever season I am in. God had no problem being God of the universe to his crazy daughter. This is a perfect example of what happens when you put God on the back burner while you run around like a chicken without a head trying to do things by yourself.  Monique <----guilty.

Ladies, I encourage you to stop, pause and be still. If you have a major decision to make, take it to the Lord and if it does not require immediate action, just wait on God. If you feel some kind of way, take those emotions to the Lord. As you wait, rejoice and trust God at his word. If you are feeling lost and confused like I was do not rely on your emotions or your own strength, seek the word and align it with your thoughts. Do not try and handle this life on your own or you will find rather quickly you will become VERY frustrated and start to feel like throwing in the towel. God is here for us and he cares about every detail of our lives big or small. What he is waiting for is for us to move out of the way and let him work. While he is working he wants us to go about life doing well (being content, being patient, loving people, being kind and gentle, practice forgiving, staying faithful in serving etc.) for his name sake. Let’s go ladies, together we will be faithful in the little so we can be faithful in the big (Luke 16:10) assignments God will give us. May you rest in his presence.

In Christ,

Monique Smith

 Prayer Starter:
Father, thank you for loving us back to life, for guiding us and keeping us focused. It is my desire to please you and I am so sorry that I trust myself more than I do in you sometimes. Help me with changing this. I love you and I am grateful for you and the many blessings you provide day in and out. May I be faithful in all the little tasks and trials that come my way so that you can trust me with more. I wish to hear “well done, good and faithful servant” as your word says and live a life pleasing you. Father, please search my heart and rid me of all that is not of you in the name of Jesus. Amen