For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, November 24, 2014

~ Made for More ~

I was made for more. This was ringing in my ear last night before bed. I could not sleep because all I could think about was how “I was made for more”. We all were. God created each and every one of us with such great purpose. This purpose is hidden so deep in us that only Christ can help us unlock it. There was always this void in my life when I was younger and even growing into a woman. Something was missing. Until I got older and started to have a true relationship with Christ is when I understood that “something” was him. I desired a relationship with Christ and I did not even know it. That is how amazing God is. He makes us with a void only he can fill. No job, husband, child or material thing can fill us like Christ can. He takes our damaged, hurt and selfish self and transforms us to the loving, selfless, and kind person we were meant to be in him. He takes our indescribable pain, the unknown of our future, the impossible circumstance and injects hope into the dark dry places of our hearts. He turns it all around for our good. Jesus loves us so much and desires us to trust and believe in all that he is. He wants us to take him along throughout our lives and remember that he is our biggest cheerleader. He never wants us to fail. He wants us to live in the purpose that he created us for.

Many do not know what their “purpose” is. They search and search and often beg God to reveal it to them. Many, myself included think they hear from God when it fact it is not God who speaks to them but themselves who leads them astray. Ladies, purpose is found in the little. It is found in washing dishes sometimes, in being a mother, a friend, employee or wife. Purpose is going to work each day and being a light to your co-workers. There are those who are called to preach, teach, coach, or encourage. Those with the spiritual gifts God have given them, to glorify his kingdom. You will know you are living in your purpose when that purpose is your passion, glorifies God, helps others, aligns with scripture and you maybe get paid as a bonus for working in it. You know, not just the “never have to work a day in your life because you get paid to do what you love” kind of purpose. That type of job is wonderful, to get paid doing what you love to do is amazing. I am not saying that that type of purpose is not possible. I am speaking of the spiritual purpose that you and I were made for. The kind of purpose that keeps you awake at night, the one that makes you feel alive, ready, encouraged, hopeful just thriving with contentment. The one that you know God is well pleased with.

Today, if you are struggling with anything remember God is bigger. He is able and he is ready to work in your life. If you would just loosen your grips and move some you can give him a chance to be God. Worry less pray more (Matthew 6:34, Luke 12:25, John 14:27, & Psalm 55:22). It is not just some cute quote. It is the truth that is written in the word of God. Trust him at his word ladies. Be more. Let’s grow!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

 Prayer Starter:

 Lord, today I will not waver, move or give in to defeat. I will stand in faith and I will take you at your word. I will praise your name and keep my mouth from speaking negativity. You are my protector, my provider, my way maker. You are my light in this dark world or circumstance and I trust you. I believe that what you want to give to me is good and that you are right by my side today. I find my hope and peace in you. I thank you for your word and I thank you for this new day filled with your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen