For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, November 6, 2014

~ Negative Thoughts ~

My mind is a battlefield as Joyce Meyer says, in her most powerful book to date: Battlefield of the Mind. I was reading that I need to learn how to control the negative thoughts I let run around rampant in my mind. I need to immediately gather all those little tyrants, tie them all up, use the rope of God to secure them and send them free falling down to the fiery pit of hell FOR GOOD. Those thoughts want to harm me. They want to run, dance and play ring around the rosey with me and when I say no they will try to push me around like a school yard bully until I give in to them. I need to understand that they are the opposite of the cute little yellow minions I have seen on the movie, Despicable me. They are doing the dirty work of a real ugly sly snake in the grass who would love nothing more than to see me in severe doubt and confusion until I go crazy. Reading Joyce’s book motivates me to think of my negative thoughts as little soul sucking minions. I need to guard the entrance of my mind like a soldier would do at the fore front of a battle.  

I believe when you are trying to do work for the Lord that is when the enemy’s attack just seems so severe. This is exactly the time when we as believers should be speaking the word of God against those attacks. But let’s face it there will be times we are not successful and we give in to the little minions and we start to play with them.

God says in Ephesians 6:10-12, we are to be strong in Him. Put on his full armor so that we can fight against the devil’s evil tricks because our fight is not against people on this earth but against the rulers and authorities and powers of this world’s darkness: SATAN.  

Today, if you are doubtful just confused about life, your purpose, your past, your present or whatever negative thoughts that is trying to suck the joy out of you.  I encourage you to get your lasso and gather all those tyrants together and send them packing. Ladies, we are too valuable to the kingdom of God to go out like that. Pick up your sword and fight. Don’t waver. Don’t entertain those thoughts; they are not of the Lord. I pray in the name of Jesus all strongholds that are not of the Lord be broken now by the blood of Jesus. We are victorious in Christ. I stand with you as I have played with those little tyrants recently myself. You are not alone. Together we will grow and continue to live an abundant life daily just as Christ wants us to have.

In Christ,

Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I thank you that you protect us from the tricks of the enemy. That although it may not feel like it, right in the midst of chaos you come rushing in like a knight in shining armor shielding us with your saving grace and love. Help me to recognize the traps, tricks and tyrants of the enemy. May I use your full armor to combat and win the battle that goes on in my mind every second of the day. Thank you in advance for working everything out for my good. I stand ready. Amen