For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, March 18, 2019

~ A Renewed Mind......IN Christ ~

Life happens. Seasons change. Circumstances arise. How do you adapt to such shifts? How is your attitude during these times? I know that often times I panic, worry, doubt or sit in fear especially if the issue has to do with my children or husband. I am guilty of letting my flesh control me. It is easy to fall for this type of thinking when life feels like it has knocked you down or it has been your go to for years. Daily I learn to trust the Lord and let go of my ways. Will you join me, sis?
What is the condition of our minds in trying situations? What is in our hearts, truly? Have we allowed the Lord to penetrate our hearts so deep with his loving presence that we are filled with trust in him? Or would we much rather control the situation ourselves and be in anxious thoughts? Life is about choices. We must learn to make better ones when it comes to our thinking.

Sisters, we are not built to sustain extreme mental pain, we need our Savior. How do we renew our mind in Christ? Romans 12:12 says that we must not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of our mind. We MUST work to renew our minds every second of the day. We cannot give the enemy a foothold or he will take it and run with it. What does your prayer life look like? Your quiet time? Are you working God into your schedule or is your schedule worked around the Lord?

God made us and we are his children. Jesus left us the power of the Holy Spirit, we are not alone in this world. We cannot continue to be powerless when adversity strikes. God gave us a spirit of power, love and self discipline as 2 Timothy 1:7 states. We can have a mind like Christ and it truly starts with our perspective. What are we watching, listening to or hearing? What we put in our hearts truly makes all the difference. If you know that your marriage has undergone issues with infidelity than should you really be watching TV shows that speak about a cheating partner? If you have an issue with porn should you be watching shows with a lot of sex in it? What do you listen to in the car? You may think these things do not matter but they really do. We cannot walk with authority when we do not know who gives it to us. Our thinking will take us to the next level if we intentionally seek God’s ways and not our own. 

Philippians 4:8 says to think on things that are pure, lovely, excellent and admirable. Sis, God can heal, mend, restore, redeem and free us of anything or anyone. We have to trust and believe that he will not forsake us or leave us like orphans. We belong to him therefore we have his wonder working power.When tests, trials or unfortunate circumstances arise, remain calm, ground yourself in God’s truth and be ready to replace negative thoughts with Godly ones. YOU must guard your heart, mind and spirit at all costs (Ephesians 4:22-23). 

We cannot live this life with a mind like Christ if we continually leave him out of it. The bible is for healing, instruction, teaching with direction but will we pick it up and let it soak into our dry weary spirits? Memorize scripture so that it can help you combat lies with truth. Don’t just read the bible, meditate on it and then walk out of your house and live it out. We can apply the word to our thinking as long as we understand we need the Lord to do it. I am on this journey with you. Together we can seek the Lord. Let’s get going, sis.
In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Lord, you are magnificent! You calm the raging seas. You guide, teach and love me like no other. Lord, I am nothing without you. You created me and I am yours. Father, forgive me for all the times that I leave you out of my life. You care about every detail of it and I want to work with you to involve you in my life more. Fill me with your presence, Lord. Start a fire in my soul, Jesus and let it burn for you and only you. When I am tempted to worry help me to renew my mind in you, Holy Spirit. Let me trust in what you are doing in every situation,
 please let me find you. I can think right thoughts and renew my mind in your word daily. Thank you, Lord for going before me and never leaving me. I am learning to trust you, Lord. Thank you for filling me this day. I pray in your precious holy name. Amen