For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, March 24, 2019

~ A Balanced Wife, Mom & Worker ~

Motherhood… is both beautiful and exhausting but it is filled with opportunities for us to grow in Christ. God trusts you to help raise your children into Christ –like human beings, in a flawed world so we must do it with excellence. If we are not plugged into our power source we can pass unhealthy habits, thinking or behaviors onto our children.

I became a mother at a very young age and I was not equipped with understanding all I needed to know to raise the tiny human. I have learned a lot about myself throughout the years of having more children and maturing but if it was not for the grace of the Lord, my children would have suffered greatly.  Just recently I resigned from my position in HR because I did not like who I was becoming working for that organization with those leaders. I was becoming inpatient, unkind, stressed and developing a bad complaining attitude. I started taking it out on my husband and children because I was so unhappy. I had to step back and take inventory of my heart. As a wife/mother, if I do not constantly take inventory of the weeds I let grow in and around my heart, my family suffers.

I have to balance much with being a working mama but I am a wife first. God has an ordained structure to the Christian home, please take time to understand it. God first, your husband, your children and everything else comes after. I am currently fasting and praying deciding whether I want to continue to work out of the home or stay home to care for my home full-time. I am sure the Lord will help guide me to the right decision.

To my tired, weary mama (me included) who feels like she wants to pull her hair out, hang on. The Lord is working behind the scenes on your behalf to offer strength like no other to you.

Encouragement for you:
-Keep going and let your feelings catch up later. Trust God at his promises. Study the word daily. 
-Encourage your husband. Be his cheerleader. Be that safe haven for him and please forgive quickly.   he is trying his best and remember he is God’s son. How you treat him matters greatly.
-Let the situations you face help develop you. They are not in vain and God will show you something about yourself. Pay attention.
-Your home is your first ministry, take the time to nurture it.
-Teach your kids those hard lessons. You must develop a child that can bear the weight of this dark world. Set them up for success in Christ.
-Self –care, it is a must. You cannot help your family on an empty tank. Ask the Holy Spirit for help.
-Grace yourself – you are not superwoman and God doesn’t expect you to do everything. Say no and know your boundaries. Please the Lord.
-Make good use of your time. Use a planner to block out your time and do little things in your home that will add up throughout the week.
-Find a balance and do not forget to laugh and enjoy your portion. God gave you all you have for a reason. 

Some Scriptures to Study:
Proverbs 31 – Every verse in that chapter
Psalm 113:9
1 Peter 4:8
Phil 2:14-15
Jer 17:7-8
Psalm 139:13
Galatians 5:22
Isaiah 66:13

Do your part, friends. The Lord loves you! You will never go without as long as you keep the Lord at the fore front of your life, home, and marriage. Enjoy your babies as they are an extension of you. J
Your family is counting on you to be full of love, joy, peace and of a sound mind.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let’s Pray:
Father, God I thank you that you are sovereign. That you know me and all my capabilities. Strengthen me this day, O Lord. Renew my heart, fill my spirit with your everlasting love. Help me to care for my home as my first priority and let me do it with excellence. If I am not putting you first, please forgive me and show me how. My desire is to please, honor and obey you and understand my role in my marriage and family. I do not want to raise children that do not know you. Help me to teach them your ways. Help me to lead by example. I know you are for me and go before me in every matter in my life. I will stand on your promises for my life and will endure for your name sake. I thank you in advance for working in my heart to rid me of anything that is not of you. I love you, Lord. I pray in your precious, Holy name. Amen.