For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, August 22, 2019

~ Give Yourself Away ~

Give YOURSELF away so The Lord can use you, friend. This life is not about you. Life can hurt and feel so confusing at times. I believe life feels so overwhelming when we place our circumstances in the palms of this world and not Christ.

What are you going through right now, sis? What is distracting you? What is stopping you in your tracks because you are in fear? Hone in on that thing and relinquish your reigns. Let it go and give it to Jesus. That thing, that person or that heart ache is not God’s plan for your life. His plan is for you to have hope and prosper in HIM (Jer 29:11). Today, I encourage you to not camp out in your circumstance. Give yourself and that circumstance away to the Lord so he can use you. He wants a willing heart.

There is some one out there that does not know the faithfulness of our Father. Someone needs your smile, your encouragement and your ear. Be that blessing to someone today. When we fixate our mind to things that are of the Lord, a miracle happens. A true break through!

There are some true trying things that are happening in our family right now. It is scary. It hurts and to be honest I am scared as I do not know the outcome. But GOD!! One thing I am truly learning is to relinquish my plans and pray for the Lord to help me serve someone. This serving is not always monetary but if that is what I know the Lord is placing on my heart and it aligns with his word, I will do it. When I focus my heart and mind on Jesus, my fear subsides. My problem seems smaller and God seems bigger. I have confidence that the Lord will work all things out for my good and my family. God stands by HIS word. So, join me in being a vessel for the Lord!

Go out today, sis! Have faith. Be a blessing in this dark world. Do not shrink back in hard circumstances as they are to build you. Put on ALL the armor of the Lord and fight back in the Spirit. Do not wait for someone to stir you up. You get in there and tag team with the Lord and have a praise session. Don’t be afraid because Jesus loves you!

You can stand your ground with the Lord on your side. Get ready for the Lord to bless you and your loved ones. Stay encouraged!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Take my heart, Lord. Take my life, my circumstance and use me as a living sacrifice. Lord, my plans are useless I really spend too much time in worry. I place my plans in your hands. Prepare my heart and mind for whatever comes. I want to be ready. Help me serve you and others with a positive yet grateful attitude. May I stay aligned with your spirit. Show me how to do things your way. Help me to stop making mistakes over and over again. I open up my heart and mind to you. Guide me, Holy Spirit. By the blood of Jesus, Amen