For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, February 16, 2015

~ A New Commitment ~

Often times we wonder why life is headed in a certain direction and we never stop to question ourselves why. We stumble and fall, which is normal, as we are not perfect but we do not learn from our mistakes. We keep doing the same and wanting different results. We say we are believers and say we love the Lord but want to fill our minds with filth. We want life to go smoothly every day and if it does not we throw a fit. Life with the Lord does not work in this fashion; I am here to burst your bubble. Whoever told you that life would be peachy each day lied. You cannot keep doing life the way you want to and expect favor.  We keep sinning and wonder why life is so bad for us. : /

I remember when I asked Christ into my heart at a young age I thought that I would be given special treatment, like I was exempt from pain. Life was so hard after I made the decision to live for the Lord, so I thought. I will tell you now that I look back in retrospect it was not hard, I made it hard. I wanted to praise Jesus Sunday and drink all throughout the week. I wanted to listen to R.Kelly talking about “sex me” and shout to the Lord that I love him Sunday. I wanted to do me and be spirit filled at the same time. When I did not see favor I was like “Jesus, what happened”.  I did not know how to put my flesh in order so I gave in to it EVERY second. God knew my heart and he knew I needed a revelation but he needed me to see that I needed him. Until that happened, I went around the same mountains over and over and over again.
Sisters, it is time to renew your commitment to the Lord. Whether you do not know Jesus at all or you do and are hiding, it is time for you and the Lord to be in right standing again. Time to take the shackles off your feet and truly dance!!!!!!

You want blessing, but your mouth is garbage. You want favor, but you won’t forgive who has hurt you. You want peace, but you want to be God. You want a Godly marriage, but are waiting on your husband to change and will not even respect him. You want purpose for your life, but refuse to even pick up the word of God to find out what God wants you to do. If you find it hard to read this, then it is because you are comfortable doing life your way. I know I could not read or listen to anything spiritual when I was so comfy in my cute little sin. I had an ugly attitude towards positive spirit filled people. Why? Because that was the stronghold Satan had on me.
Listen, you are a child of God and you were bought with a hefty price. Who you were before Christ is no longer, that person died and you are now a new creation. I come from a loving place to say, you cannot expect victory in your life and you still want to live how you want to. As a follower of Christ, you will be uncomfortable and you will daily have to die to yourself but living a righteous life is oh so worth it. I am not saying to have all these list of rules, that is religion. I ask saying to invest in your relationship with Christ and live a life pleasing to him. It is time!!!! It is time to go deeper with Jesus and commit to a life of excellence with him by your side, he is waiting for you. Jesus has so much he wants to teach you and show you but living how you want to will block it all. Same goes for what you think, say, read etc. It is time to kick your flesh to the curb and make a decision today to completely live for the Lord.  

My wrong thinking and negative words were holding me back from who I was to be, please do not let that happen to you. God will let us do our own thing because the life we have is choice driven. He is a gentleman and he will never push himself on us. But we have to seek him with all your hearts and pursue him because we no longer want to live life "our way". It is a choice. What will you choose?

Today I encourage you to ask yourself some hard questions even if those answers hurt and sting, write them out. Be truthful with yourself and take them to the Lord. Take a look at the answers and do something today to change it. If it is your lifestyle, repent now and get right with the Lord. If it is your thinking, renew your mind in his word and purposely seek what God says in his word. If it is your mouth, ask God to help you to hush and find all sermons and scripture you can on the tongue…If it is a person? give them to the Lord and work on you. You cannot control others and their actions. You are responsible for the development of your own soul so stop worrying about other people.  

It is my prayer that your soul is so convicted that you stop now and make your life right with Jesus. Give it all to him sis. He is the way, truth and the light. He will tag team with you and help you to live the life that he so willingly died for you to have.  

In Christ,
Monique Smith

 Prayer Starter:
Jesus, I no longer want to live my life the way I have been. I am tired, bruised and broken. I want you to please take control of me and change me. I am nothing without you and I want your presence in my life over anything else, Father. Please forgive me for all my sins and wash me clean. All strongholds that are not of you must flee now in the name of Jesus’. Today starts my new life with you. Amen