For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, January 24, 2015

~ Are you Willing? ~

What do you do when someone just hurt you so bad and you just cannot trust them no matter how much you try? You have tremendous pain in your heart because of the reckless decisions they are making.

Well,sis…first I pray that you stand with boldness and with authority because even when you cannot see hope or any light, you are a child of the most high God. He is always there to comfort and to provide for you.

But you ask what do you do? You let go….you let go of trying to control the situation. You truly, with all your heart, give it all to the Lord. You surrender sis. God wants you to move out of his way so he can work his purpose for that loved one through you. When you choose to surrender that comes with discomfort. It feels so horrible but you are strong because of the Lord and you can push past those emotions. Remember the enemy wants you to feel all sorts of ugly emotions for that person so you cannot forgive and you can judge and be oh so critical to them.

There is much pain before a child is birthed right? You go through labor and contractions and discomfort and it hurts…BAD. But at the end you have a precious beautiful child that you can hold and see that you pain was not in vain.

Letting go and trusting God through this trying life storm will cause you to suffer A LOT BUT you will rejoice later my sister. I am, speaking from years of experience. The Lord makes mention of this in Psalm 30:11 (You turned my sorrow into joyful dancing). He will turn it. He is a turnaround God but he needs you to take your hand off of it. Not saying you need to rid that person out of your life. I am saying you let the Lord heal your heart work on you so that you can be used for that individual. They need to have a relationship with the gracious Father you serve. 

The Lord is the only one that can help you to heal, let go and forgive in that area. I do understand how it feels to have your life ripped into two because of a careless decision that a loved one made. No matter how hard we want to try and control the whole situation, we cannot and you must try and come to grips with that.

 It is my belief that God wants to build our faith through what seems like a heartless event that another caused. I believe there is greater purpose there. You may ask: why does the decision of one have to make me pay personally? Or is this not their issue Monique? Why did they bring me all up in the mix because they are a hot mess with life choices?

It is not our job to judge anyone’s sin even if it is your spouse, mother, child or whomever. You do have to trust and know that as a believer God is having you go through this for some reason. Our job, no matter what is to love and forgive and maybe love that person from a distance BUT not to give up on them. The whole situation is much bigger than little ol you. God is trying to save your loved one possibly. Their reckless and thoughtless decisions hurt you because of course you are the one closest to them. But did you ever question why are they making such heartless decisions, ones that try to ruin good people’s lives? Sis, they need the loving touch of Jesus in their heart. They do not know that they have a Father who loves and cares for them, one who wants to mend their broken soul so they don’t go about this world doing life on their own. Have you not been there before? Have you not made stupid decisions and wished someone was in your corner? No matter how big or small the sin is it is sin and God hates it. You can hate the sin BUT please do not hate the sinner. They need you. The only Jesus they will see, and you heard this time and time again, is YOU. You are the only Jesus they will see so yes you will have to sacrifice your comfort some so that maybe, just maybe they can get to know our King. Is it not worth it?

If you believe with all your heart that is Jesus is Lord. Than you will know that he has purpose in all that you go through. Absolutely no trial you go through will EVER be in vain. He wants to use you. Are you up for being used? Will you be obedient to the Lord and sacrifice your pain to carry another who is in much greater pain than you?

I pray in the name of Jesus, that you dig deep and find courage to let go and let God move in the heart of another BUT through you.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Oh Jesus, I am a mess right now. I feel so confused Father God. Please guide me and show me your ways because I do know they are greater than mine. My loved one is hurting and they need you and if that means that you need to use me, I say yes Jesus. Use me to let my loved one see your mercy, love and grace. Help me to be patient with them. Help me to remember how it was when I was in my sin and needed you. Thank you Father that you are working on our behalf. I declare victory on the other side of all this pain. Thank you that you can convict my heart in a way that brings forth much fruit. You will turn my mourning into dancing, I trust you. I love you Lord and I honor you with my responses to this individual. Amen