For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

~ NO More Anxiety ~

Anxiety, doubt, loneliness and frustration, what do all these have in common? How about peace, joy, hope and courage, what do these have in common? I can tell you that one leaves you feeling drained and in despair and the other leaves you feeling energized, ready and vigilant. Why, why do these different emotions have the tendency to make us “feel” a certain way? Well, I believe it is because one is of Jesus and one is of the enemy. Let me explain…….

God made us with a variety of different emotions so that we can channel them for good and to glorify his kingdom but our focus is off when we are in an emotion that is not of him. God is of peace and would never want his child in despair so feeling anxious with doubt and of loneliness is not him sisters. We have a situation in front of us and it makes us feel uncomfortable so we panic. We choose chaos instead of peace. We think that God needs our help so we call everyone we know and start to speak defeat. Or we sit in a corner and entertain a anxious heart and think “I am an anxious person, I always been this way”. We don’t use our words to focus on the positive or have any faith we start giving life to every emotion under the sun. We give into anxiety instead of peace.
I think that what we miss it all when we think about emotion and feelings and we get too caught up in them (preaching to myself here). We think because we “feel” a certain way that we have to “act” in a certain manner than we just rely on our flesh to respond and it just is a mess. We fail to look to Jesus in the whole scenario. We fail to see why we are “this way” in the first place. We take no accountability. We start to think “oh, I am like my parents”. We start giving ourselves titles and speaking things into existence based off of one single feeling. We forget who we are in Christ just like that. Why, sisters?

We are human, that is why and we will fall short daily BUT we can call upon the name of Jesus and trust him in that exact moment. We are of flesh in a dark world where the enemy is very present. We are messy and sin is in our lives, we are not perfect and never will. But we do have dominion we can hone in on and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. As believers, we daily take up our cross and strive to be better remembering that God is at the center of everything we do. When we purposely shift our thoughts, emotions and responses to life’s trials we see the beauty (Jesus) in the pain and can choose peace, joy and hope, not ourselves in a situation. We can do this supernatural thing because sin is removed from us (doubt, fear, confusing etc) and God is now welcomed to be God.  
It is very possible that we can feel one way and listen to our spirit inside of us to do right despite our “emotion”. We will suffer and there is no way around that but we can choose different in our crazy emotions. What we need to understand is that through the hardship we face God is already working behind the scenes to bring forth something good in and through us but we cannot lose hope. We cannot lose our peace. We cannot lose our joy. We cannot get tired of thinking well and responding with faith or we block Jesus from working. We need to stand steadfast and trust God through it and talk back to our emotion and say “I will not stress, God is in control”, “I am not lonely, Jesus loves me”, “I will nor fear, that is not of the Lord", “I will not be anxious, God has me in the palm of his hand”. When you start to speak victory and faith situations change and we do as well. This takes practice.

 Remember like the word of God says in 1 Peter 5:8, "the enemy, the devil prowls around like a lion looking for someone to devour". Sisters, he is ready to pounce on you. The enemy thinks he is smart when in actuality he really is not. We give him to much glory. The enemy forgets that we have authority over his tactics. But if we handle life with how we “feel” he will play and toy with our weak state and flesh. Soon we will work our self into a frenzy and loose our power over him. He will win in your thought life and you will respond not like the bold Christian you are. We cannot believe all the lies that he whispers in our ears and we can no longer give him glory with our emotions.
Sisters, we must be more than how we "feel". We can push pass emotions and choose to speak life, not death. We can respond with grace, not stubbornness. We can hope not be in despair with anxiety. We can sleep in total peace because God is with us and he will provide. We can love and serve instead of whining and complaining. Let’s grow. Let’s be more. Let’s not waver today. Let’s let peace, love, joy and courage be at the center of what we think, feel and do…..
In Christ,
Monique Smith

 Prayer Starter:
Thank you Father for this trial, I trust you. Thank you that you gave me a courageous spirit so that I can channel my emotions and thoughts in a healthy manner for your kingdom. Thank you for lovingly correcting me and giving me conviction in my heart. Thank you giving me freedom and helping me to walk in it. May I stand and be a light in this dark world by speaking victory even when I can't see it. Help me to push pass any emotions, thoughts or feelings that are not of you. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Amen