For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, January 11, 2015

~ I am Unique with a Specific Purpose ~

I have been in HR for the past 8 plus years. I originally went into this field because I wanted to help employees see their potential within the organization. I have always had a servant’s heart but I just did not know it was that. I have a specific purpose from the Lord and I have been dragging my feet on it. Why? Because I am scared but God did not give me that power, the enemy did so switching my perspective is of the utmost importance. Learning to recognize God and the enemy is what I thank the Lord for today. May I share some things with you?

I have completed my Master’s degree in Christian Counseling last month and I have asked God over and over “what am I to do now”. You see I have been going back and forth with the desire to leave HR full-time and go into full-time ministry coaching women with A Risen You. I fear losing the income, how to start it all, if I should charge, just so much. 

Earlier this morning, I sat at Jesus’ feet and just loved on my father. I proceeded to go watch Joyce Meyer and she was preaching on “In God’s Timing”. I thought this is just great so I prayed that God would speak to my heart and of course he did because he is just so crazy faithful. Joyce said something that just spoke to me she said “the devil will try and tell you to stop trying to change the world, to settle down and be a regular woman”. I felt this was so for me because that is exactly what he has been trying to do. The enemy has being filling my head with doubt about my God given specific purpose and this message convicted my heart. I know that I am to go into ministry and coach, write, teach while empowering women in the Lord. But sometimes this sly slick snake will start to speaking and it goes downward IF I am not vigilant. 

Sisters, we are unique and God wants to use us in very specific ways. I cannot tell you those ways only he can. But I do know that we cannot go to where God wants to take us with the same old thinking, behaviors and responses to life. He wants us to help impact this world in the big and in the small ways but we need molding. We are his hands and feet on earth until he comes for us and we need to guard our hearts from the enemy. You are unique with a specific purpose and I say you ask the Lord to reveal this purpose to you.

Today, I encourage you to take some time and purposely sit still before the Lord and ask him to give you perspective about this purpose. I pray you are willing to wait for his response and trust him at his word. You are made to be more and you do have a God given purpose that Jesus wants you to live out. But God first needs to prep you and deal with some areas that you cannot take to the next level. I believe that God is stripping us into elevation. Let’s trust God without borders and studying his word because there we will find his will for us. Let’s go ladies, together we shall grow.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Holy Spirit, we thank you for your guidance. Jesus we thank you that you continue to reveal your word to us in a way that convicts our hearts. Teach us to live like you and walk as you did. We know that you have a specific purpose for us and that we are to help by being a light for you here on earth. Help us Father God, to live a life full of faith, purpose and excellence with trusting you. We want to live out what you teach us, please help us do that Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen