For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

~ Love Notes ~

During my devotional time I have been writing down what I think God is saying to me each day and this has been so powerful. I tailor each sheet of paper like Jesus is personally writing me love notes. For example, I enjoy opening up the Jesus Calling Devotion and re writing what the author, Sarah Young has wrote just so I can observe the message from God’s eyes. She writes from God’s perspective but I like tailoring mine to me personally from God. Each day is so fun and I get so eager to see what God says to me. I write each day from a passionate perspective and let God sign the letter.

This way of writing is just so very personal and I am filled with so much joy. I feel absolutely amazing knowing that God is speaking directly to me. I encourage you to try it if you have not already.

Ladies, I believe God is teaching me to not leave his presence for the things and people in this world for NOTHING. When I sit and write from this perspective each day I believe he is building my faith and trust in him. He wants me firmly planted in his presence daily storing up his love notes in my heart. This intimate relationship is what he desires.
Ladies, God teaches us so much each day but sometimes we choose to focus on what this world has to offer instead of what he is offering. We leave him. Imagine him with his arms stretched out trying to reach for us only to get rejected because this world looks better than he does. God wants to be at the very center of our life but how can he if we keep leaving him for the things of this world (jobs, spouses, friends, status, or money). When we choose to trust God more than anything or anyone in this world we show him that he is our true dependence and our life makes sense. If we lose the lifeline we have in Jesus that is because we decided to shift gears from his presence.   

Sisters, if you stay close to the Lord and purposely focus on who he is and everything he is all about than the things of this world no longer matter. I mean you no longer care to have the best job making six figures or drive thee best car with the finest husband on your arm. What you start desiring is looking more like Jesus.

Sit down each day and let him write on the walls of your heart. He wants nothing but the best for you and wants to show you some things. He wants to prep you for so much. When all hell breaks loose in your life God wants you to keep your eyes on him, to stay with him. Find yourself so lost in all that God is that all you have time for is the love he is injecting into you from the love notes you write.  Grow, Stretch, Press, Stand, Trust, Believe………Don’t leave, stay with the Lord. You are safe there!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Lord, teach us to never leave your side. Teach us to stretch our faith and to walk hand in hand with you, never letting go. Nothing in this world can fill us, no job, no spouse, and no amount of money NOTHING. You, Lord are the only dependence I need. Help me to make choices that are of you and not of this world. In the name of Jesus’. Amen