For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, August 21, 2014

~ By Faith...............

Three years ago I faced one of the most trying times ever. I had to make a life changing decision within my marriage and I was afraid. Would I put myself aside and let the Lord work in me? I struggled. To be frank, I did not want to do this as I knew that much would be revealed about myself. I was very selfish ladies. Life was all about me. I did not want to put aside all that was comfortable for me and step into the unknown. I was very scared. But I stepped out in faith and I told the Lord that I would obey. I ask him to change me, not my husband or the marriage, just to change me. Oh, how he answered the cry of His broken daughter. I did not know how the Lord was going to fix my marriage let alone me BUT I knew he was crazy faithful and that I could trust in Him.

What is faith ladies? Well, according to the word of God in Hebrews 11:1: Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. So in other words, we go wherever and do whatever without knowing the outcome. We put our trust in the Lord and can rest because we know that the Lord has our lives in the palm of his hands. Faith is not doubt nor anxiety in the waiting. You trust and believe every minute of the day with the Lord giving you strength and when you are weak you go to the Lord with it. 

If I was going to step out and trust the Lord in my marriage or anything in my life I needed to have faith, faith in the impossible. When I made a decision to step out in faith, the Lord provided supernatural strength that I could not obtain on my own. In my quiet time today, I was reading Hebrews chapter 11 & 12 and I was wrecked because the word showed me the many faith filled men and women who obeyed God and did not waver. I was reminded again that I need to have FAITH and believe. I was not to look at my circumstances I am to focus on the cross. 

By faith, Abraham obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going, Abraham went. God tested him through the sacrifice of Isaac and provided. By faith, the walls of Jericho fell. By faith, Abel offered God a better sacrifice and he was commended a righteous man. By faith, Sarah trusted that God would give her the son she always hoped for. Wow. Where is your faith Monique?

Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith, it is impossible to please God because any one who comes to him must believe. We must believe sisters! We must believe that even when the circumstance looks real bad that the Lord will do the impossible and work all things out for our good.

Today, is my marriage perfect? Am I perfect? Do we argue? Do I fail? Do we fail together? I am human and so is my husband and we are not perfect and we will mess up…But with test and trial we grow stronger because we believe the Lord is molding and shaping us. We will get to exactly where the Lord needs us to be together. My marriage is a journey. We are both a work in progress and the Lord will guide us. My faith is everything. I lived to long without Christ to not live every day for Him. God did not promise that we would not go through trial but He did promise that he would do the impossible if we would trust Him. I trust Him. Will you? 

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Father, you perfect my faith. You are my hope. I worship you right now. I praise your glorious name. Today, I give my all to you, I lay it all at your feet. I believe that you are working on my behalf and I am yours forever Jesus. I fix my eyes on you Lord. I will not lose heart nor grow weary. You are my stronghold. Nothing else matters nothing in this world will do. You are my center. Amen