For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, August 29, 2014

Amazing Love

In reading the book of Hosea with my community, I re-watched the movie Amazing Love on Netflix. It is about the book of Hosea. I watched it before but as always when you watch something again you get more out of it. The story of Hosea is so beautiful. It showcases a picture of God’s amazing love for us through the unfaithfulness of Gomer and Israel. God chose Hosea to love his unfaithful wife and preach the gospel to a rebellious nation. I wondered could I even muster up that much love for people who treated me so badly?

Through watching this movie I understood something huge, Hosea was feeling God’s pain. The people of Israel turned their hearts away from the Lord, just as Gomer did to Hosea. But Hosea was relentless. He loved Gomer and God’s people through it all, he would not stop showing others the Lord. I sat there and cried and cried because I was reminded that in my fifth God picks me up and lets me dwell in his strong arms when I am so unfaithful to him.  

God’s loves me and you because His love is not dependent on us. I could not do any good deed to win the heart of the Lord. He loves me no matter what I do and that is that. How great and amazing is this? Will we honor the Lord by being faithful in love to his people? Yep, that means ALL His people: the mean and unfaithful spouse, the lying friend, the parents who left us, the people who talk bad about you, or the kids that reject us? 

Sisters, we are all a work in progress and will never just “arrive”. But with this amazing reminder in our hearts and by faith through Jesus Christ we can be a Hosea to someone here on earth. We can show God’s love to others so that they know He loves them no matter what they do. Today, I encourage you to love so deeply without expecting nothing in return. Be a Hosea......

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter: 
O’ most gracious Father, you love me through it all. I worship your Holy name and I thank you for saving a wrench like me. Jesus, will you please live your life through me daily? I need you and cannot do this alone. May I love without expectation? Amen