For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, August 2, 2014

~ Be Consistent ~

How do you know you are growing? How do you know what you are learning that you are applying to your life and most importantly your walk with the Lord?

Recently, life took a huge blow and it left me feeling confused, sadden and with a broken heart. But there was purpose in that blow. May I share?

Someone near and dear to my heart told me that I was not practicing what I preach with them. That I was not practicing love, patience, kindness, goodness or self-control. Immediately, I was on the defense because I thought I was doing a wonderful job. In fact, I decided to point out specific times where I felt growth was ever so present and compared the times where significant growth was not present. But what was I trying to prove? Was I even listening to their concerns? Did I let this person talk? Did I take the information they gave me and question it or aligned it up to what God’s says? No, I just blurted out all I wanted to and said my peace leaving that person hurt and sad.

Was this person right? Did this person see through me? Was I not where I thought I was? I was so ashamed and sadden. After about 5 hours of feeling sorry for myself. I went to the Lord. Why did I take so long? Well, quite frankly I knew this person was right and I knew the Lord would confirm it so I was scared. I wanted to sit and have a party for myself for just a little.  :/

The Lord pointed me to Galatians chapter 5. As I was reading I could not swallow. I had a dry mouth and my palms were sweaty. I knew that I was in fact not showing the Fruits of the Spirit with this person that I was doing the opposite. Some days I was nice, kind, patient and loving and some days I was rude, mean, and impatient and did not listen. It just depended on what kind of day I was having, now that I look back in retrospect. How hypocritical was that Monique?? I tell you this because your friends and family are the first people that will see the fruits you bear when you follow the Lord and vice versa. They are also great people to ask and get some feedback from if you want to gauge your growth. 

See ladies, God doesn't just stop giving us his grace, mercy or love one day and then the next day he stops because he is having a bad day. No, the Lord constantly gives His grace, love and mercy to all His children. Yes the Lord is not of flesh, He is the Lord of Lords and is not fickle with His emotions. I am of him. I was made in his image and I am his child. I should look a little more each day like my Savior, not worse off. That is how you know you are growing. So the results were in and I was not growing in this area with this person like I thought I was. I refused to stay sad. I took this pain to my Heavenly Father and left it there and apologized to this person. 

Maturing in Christ takes time. But when you are truly living for the Lord you die to yourself daily and don’t take others down with you in that process.You love people ALL people and that love requires self sacrifice. You enrich their lives. Build them up. Not choose different days to do that. We all fall short of the glory of God every second but for me personally, I know God wants more out of me. He wants me to soar and I cannot soar when I choose to make the decisions that are not of him on different days of the week. I need to be consistent. 

If you mess up, which you will. Be humble about it. Talk to that person. Let them know you are sorry. Don’t wait until they come to you. Treat others how you want to be treated.

Together we will grow and together we will be about our Father’s business.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter
Lord, forgive me for my selfish ways. I am truly sorry for how I treated your son/daughter. Father, I desire to grow in you and I do not want my ways to increase so that you decrease. I want more of you Jesus. I am a lover of your presence. Please continue to teach me and convict me when I am not treating others right. With each step I take I know you are there by my side. May I live this life honoring you with my words and decisions each minute of the day, not when I pick and choose to. Thank you for your love, mercy and grace. Amen.