For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, July 7, 2014

It is TIME.................

How you feeling today? Are you on edge? Are you upset it is Monday and you have to go back to work or are you just “not feeling it” today. Well sisters, today is the day for change. Today is the day that you change your attitude, adjust your thinking, and start to take the spotlight off yourself. Until you make the decision to get your thinking back on track for the Lord life will seem just plain irritating. You will start to see yourself complain more, nag more, yell more and just focus on negative more. It is Satan’s plan for you to live outside of God’s will and you cannot go down like that. You are a daughter of the King.

I was just telling my husband the other day how I crave peace now and in fact purposely search for it. I started thinking about the times I did not and how I made life for myself and probably him real irritating. I use to pop out of bed irritated because I had to wake up and get started with life. I just wanted to lie there and do nothing all day. So I carried that mindset with me to the shower, to the kitchen, to the car, to work and relationships were affected. I lived on the edge sisters. I had no peace. I needed change.

You see God needs to use you and me and he cannot use us when we are always on edge. When we are on edge we spiral downward real fast to a place that is not pretty. When we get to that place we try and invite others and when they don’t want to come we get mad. We are something else huh? It is time for change. Time for a different way to live, it is time to clean our hearts and minds before our Father. Time to let go and ask God for help.

Sisters, you have all the resources and thee most powerful God to help make change happen right now in your life. You have prayer, all the truth and encouragement you can find in scripture and not to mention the ultimate guide, the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5:22-23 says: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF-CONTROL. You can control yourselves. You don’t have to let your feelings control you. You can renew your mind. Go grab your Bible and purposely pursue God’s peace. I want to remind you that you are a child of the most high God and he has a plan for you. He wants you to flourish and live with purpose and peace.

Ask God to tender your heart right now. Lift your hands and ask God to forgive your complaining spirit and to please help you to renew your mind.It is time to grow and you cannot grow with that same ol attitude you had yesterday. Today is a new day filled with new grace for you to enrich the lives of others. You were made to shine bright for God’s kingdom. 

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

God, I do not want my frustration to become who I am because I know I am more than that. I am ready to surrender my heart, my ways and my thinking over to you. You are the only one that can make true change come about in my life. I long to have the abundance of the fruit of the Spirit but I cannot do this alone please Help me Father, I need you. Thank you for hearing my prayers and thank you for your word as it soothes my soul. I love you. Amen