For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

~ God Is On Your Side ~

Life has been crazy for the Smith’s. We have been busy trying to close out shop in one city only to move to another and that can be a bit of a headache. But we are excited to see what God has in store for us in this season of our life. Things were not always this way for me though.  

We have so many plans sometimes don’t we? And when they do not pan out the way we want we can tend to be a little sour. A couple years ago my family moved out of a big city to a smaller city as I mentioned in previous posts. I was sour point blank. I was upset that God moved us out from our comfort zone. I did not trust His plans right off the bat. I doubted and questioned what he was doing.

Now, I am so grateful He did what He did. I can see His hand in all that He was doing. He brought us to a place where we knew nobody only to strengthen me, my marriage and my walk with Him. Today, life is different for me and I would not change the way it all went down for nothing.

Sisters, God’s plans are perfect. We may not see light when change is happening in our life and when we are faced with the unknown but He truly works things all together for our good even in discomfort. I know this first hand.

Today, I encourage you to mediate on His truth. I was doing my devotional this morning and reading with the lovely community of ladies and read Matthew 5:2-12, The Beatitude’s. The one that really stood out for me was verse 8: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 

In the midst of change or chaos in your life it is my prayer for you that you see God. That your heart is pure before Him and you will trust His plans for you and not what you see for yourself.

Be blessed my sisters God is on your side!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you that in the midst of uncertainty you always encourage my heart. Father, I ask for nothing today. I choose to sit and worship you because you are my stronghold and I want to honor your name. I love you Lord. Amen