For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, June 22, 2014

~ My Emotional Needs As A Wife ~

I fall short of the glory of God daily as I am not spotless, especially as a wife but I believe in those falls God is trying to get my attention. Something happened recently that made me shift my focus and start thinking about who I let meet my emotional needs in my marriage. I starting thinking about how often do I let my Heavenly Father meet my emotional needs within my marriage.

The Lord has worked on me in this area hard lately and I would imagine that He will continue too. When I get mad at my husband I often dwell and pout if my husband is not being what I call "there for me".There are many times that I look to my husband to be my rock, shield and protector when I should be looking for God to be my sole source. When my husband disappoints me (which he will) or of course shows he is human just like me and I think he is responsible for “making me mad” where or who do I run to for emotional comfort?

Do I fight and argue my way until my husband soothes me or do I run to my Heavenly Father and let Him fill me? Unfortunately, I have given my husband the burden of fulfilling my every need at times and I have forgotten that God wants to fill me. Yes, there is nothing wrong with my husband being my partner, my best friend and lover BUT when I let him be my SOLE source in situations, there is a problem. I raise my hand in guilt because this can very well be the case in many scenarios lately. God wants my attention when my husband and I disagree. He wants to guide me and help me, He wants me to seek Him before anything. Bottom line Ladies God is thee only source that will fill our every emotional need that we have and HE is very jealous when we allow someone else to be what HE is supposed to be in our lives. God will get our attention somehow.

I will say that yes my husband does need to be mindful of my needs and understand me and vice versa so our marriage can flourish. BUT my husband will not know the very workings of me like my Heavenly Father does as he was not designed too. It is not his responsibility to get it right all the time and be MY everything so why am I pissed at him when he fails? God has designed me so that only He can fulfill all my emotional needs and I need to learn to go to Him and not my husband for everything. Because it is not fair that I place all that burden on my honey baby. I was reminded of this the other day and I make it my solemn prayer that I lower my expectations with my spouse and give him room to breathe because where there is freedom in my marriage our love can truly flourish.

Ladies, let’s ask the Lord to become our sole source and help us to run to Him instead of our husbands first. 

In Christ, 
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter: 
Lord, you are my provider, shield and protector and only you can fill every hole in me. I love you Father and I want to not place any one or thing above you. Please help me to run to you to meet any emotional needs I have in my marriage instead of giving my husband that sole responsibility. I have a Heavenly Husband in you and it is not my desire to neglect you. Thank you for loving me and opening up my eyes. Decrease me Father so that you can increase totally in my marriage. Amen.