For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, June 16, 2014

~ Why Read the Bible? ~

In the beginning of my walk with the Lord I often wondered why do I need to read the Bible. I thought if God can speak directly to my heart then if I don’t read His word will he stop speaking to me? Will he stop loving me? Does His presence only come when I read His word? I was confused. I had legitimate questions and I wanted answers. So I started researching and in my researching I sought the word of God. I learned something powerful in that moment. If you have any questions take them to the Lord, he will show you.

Sisters, God’s word is alive! The more I expose myself to it the more it will expose itself to me. Reading the word of God is for our benefit. How can you grow spiritually if you are not reading truth and guidance on how to grow? I guess the question is do you want to grow? Something powerful happens when you get scripture tucked deep into your heart and not just do it for a "religious reason" or because it is a check in the box. Not only do you now have a defense against being misled by this world and your adversary but you gain wisdom by reading God's word. The word of God has changed my life. Through it I found much truth and revelation. Most importantly, I found Jesus. Will you allow yourself to be changed by reading such truth? 

Let’s look at some scriptures shall we: 

In John 8:31-32: Jesus said “If you continue in my word, you are truly disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free” I don’t know about you but do you not want to be a disciple of our Father? Be a light in this world? How about truth do you want that in your life? We all struggle in different areas of our lives and Jesus says “continue in my word”. Not, read me IF you feel like it. Do you want to be free from bondage? Reading the word helps give you clarity to certain situations you face so you can journey on to becoming free from your past. 

Joshua 1:8 – Don’t stop reading this book of law, but day and night think of what it says, so you can be careful to do everything written in it, THEN you will proper and succeed”.  How about prospering? Do you want to prosper?  To prosper is to flourish, to bloom, to get ahead, and to progress in this world. Do you want to bloom spiritually or just in other worldly areas? What is important to you? 

The word of God builds your faith (Acts 20:32) Oooooo ladies? Faith? Can’t we all use some help with our faith? Oh Jesus, I know I need help in this area. Why in the world would I reject something that is good for me? The Bible will help me. Are you afraid that spending time in the word will make you deal with you? I know I was afraid of that for a long time. 

Lastly, the Bible is used for teaching, correction and preparation for every good thing (2 Timothy 3:16-17) this verse sticks out for me because I think of being a parent. As a mama, I want to see my kids learn and not fall for the lies of this world. Don’t we want to teach and correct our children properly and have them learn substance? Do we not want to prepare them for every good thing? Well, our Father loves us so much he left his word to help us all with that. How loving of a Father do we have that He thought to not leave us hanging here on this earth. That he gave us a wonderful guide for living, His word.

Why read the word of God you ask? So you can become all that God has planned for you to be. You can't really understand your purpose if you don't see what God says about it. God will intercede on your behalf but when do you start moving? Your action is needed in your walk with the Lord. The question "why read the Bible" brings perspective if you are looking at it with God’s eyes and not your own.

Today, I encourage you to leave your thoughts at the feet of Christ and truly open up your heart to receive all that the Lord wants to teach you through His word. I promise you that you will not just be uplifted or encouraged. BUT you will find purpose, peace, joy and wholeness to name a few things. Reading His word will bring you healing over time, this I know first hand.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, forgive us for being so analytical of your word and thinking too much in our flesh that we cannot hear you. Your word gives us life and helps us to embrace you, mediate on you and soak in all that comes from you. It helps us decrease so that you can increase in our lives. Lord, will you help us with the desire of reading it and practicing it as well. We want to love what you love and we now know that the Bible teaches us these things. I thank you for your patience with us and for lovingly guiding us to your truth. Amen