For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, June 14, 2014

~ You Have Authority ~

It is the middle of the day and you have just sat down for much needed rest. You are so mentally and physically exhausted from ripping and running you just long for a break. You start to think about your do to list. In an effort to be still you try to seek the Lord and you go and grab your Bible to start to read. As you read, your mind wanders to “what will I cook for dinner”, “when will the baby wake”, “How come he did not kiss me goodbye” “how will I pay for the rent”. The questions keep going back and forth in your head and you look down to only have closed your Bible because you cannot seem to concentrate. You ever been there? I know I have.

How come you cannot concentrate? You see sisters; your adversary knows that if he can keep you distracted in your thoughts you will not seek our Father. More than likely you will start down a road of ugly thinking and forget what you were trying to do in the first place. You desire the Lord but you seem to be stuck. Satan’s goal is to have his demons taunt you, lure you and have you question everything. He wants you hopeless serving him. When I say serving him he wants you to live in your own strength and wild like you were before Christ. The last thing he wants is for you to read the word and get closer to the Lord. 

We are not called to dispel the darkness sisters - we are called to turn on the Light. Being alive and free in Christ gives you a birthright. You do not have to be shackled to the bondage of this world let alone Satan. You can live a life liberated in Christ. You are the light of this world and the Bible says so (Matthew 5:14). You can stand up and cling to God’s truth. Reading His word will fill you with truth. When you sit to be with the Lord pray before you open the word, pray fervently that nothing will distract you from the time you are spending alone with Him.

In Colossians 1:13 it says: “but when we received Christ, God delivered us from domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son”.

Christ has not only provided us all protection, but he has given us authority over darkness. We also have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:17), and he will guide us into all truth as well (John 16:13). We are not alone in this. We have authority! 

Whatever you are facing or thinking cling to God’s promises. Sit with Him and tell Him about what you are facing. Fill yourself up with His word. The Lord longs to hold your hand and speak to you. In the middle of those days when you long for rest and reach for your Bible, God will be with you. All those distractions are not of the Lord, they come from the enemy. Turn on the light that God instilled in you. Shine bright and focus on truth.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I am yours and because I am I have authority over darkness. I can shine bright for your kingdom because I will cling to your truth. I long to be with you O Lord please help me to stay focused on you. When I open your word let nothing distract me from entering your presence. I thank you that I can come to you as I am and you will always have your arms open ready to love on me. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for your grace. I love you. Amen.