For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Saturday, July 19, 2014

~ He Turned It ~

I was pregnant at 13 and had my first son at 14. I married his father at 18 and we were separated at 21.  Looking back I never thought I would be following Christ so fervently today. I thought I would never find true joy or peace. What an awesome God we serve.  

God used everything I went through for HIS glory. Never did I think I would graduate high school early and be almost done with my Masters in counseling. Never did I think I would remarry after divorcing my ex-husband. Never did I think I could love or forgive again. Never did I think I could live a life free of bondage and ugly thinking. I sure never use to think I could live a happy peaceful life after so much pain I endured. When I was young, I believed many lies the enemy whispered in my head, lies that were meant to harm me. I tell you sisters, there is something so powerful when you deliberately choose to renew your mind in Christ. I would be so lost if I did not have my Savior today.

I remember pleading with God that day I found out I was pregnant. I was so scared that I would not be a good mother. I went to church with my parents and was saved at 14. Did my life produce much fruit immediately after I made that decision? Nope, not at all. I did not let it. I blocked my own blessings with the way I lived and how I thought. No one explained that I would have to choose to renew my mind after being saved. That I had some work to do and that the Lord would not just instantly make me act like a new Monique. When I did confess with my mouth that I believed in Christ Jesus as my Lord and Savior that did change my life that day (little did I know). But I did not let the Lord into my heart allowing for a relationship with him. Without a relationship how can Christ work? Life did not start to make sense for me and with my walk with the Lord until about 5 years ago, I mean really make sense. I was baptized in water in 2009 and 2010 life slowly started to change only because I started working with the Lord to renew the way I thought. I was tired of going around the same mountains. My life changed when I gave up doing things my way and purposely sought God every day.

How did the Lord take a bruised young teen mom and start molding her into His servant? By His gracious love and mercy. By showing her who she was in Christ. I could not see who I was in Christ until I picked up His word and met him there every day. Today, am I the perfect wife, mom and friend? Uh, no. There is only one spotless lamb. But I will tell you that I am much better than I use to be and I know that the Lord is not through with me yet. He is molding and shaping me to become all He needs me to be for His glory. I am too excited……

Great news is that he has a plan for you too. He can take all that was meant to destroy you and change all that mourning into dancing. Will you trust Him? Will you let Him help you renew your mind? Will you allow Jesus into your heart and let Him be the center of your life totally? Ladies, God desires relationship with you. He wants to walk along side you and just be with you. All he wants is good for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says so: “For I know the plans I have for you. “declares the Lord. “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. How can you not find peace in that?

I encourage you today to let go and let God. Let God turn your pain into a beautiful dance. I pray that you may you use your personal pain as a testimony for His glory one day. Because if he can turn it for me, he certainly can do it for you.
Let’s go sisters! Together we shall grow……

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I thank you for loving me back to life. I thank you that you are the author and finisher of my life and that I can completely trust in you. You are my solid rock. You are the only one that can change me from the inside out. I life my hands to you and worship all that you are. Please come into my heart and change me and help me cut myself some slack because you will do a good work in me when I believe you will. Help me to renew my mind in you and not of this world. Help me to be still and focus on nothing and no one but you. I believe that you can turn my life around. I will choose you. Amen