For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, June 2, 2016

~ Lord Almighty~

When you are oppressed by the enemy did you know demons hoover over you? They take any negative word or responses that you give to your situations and make sure they take it to the furthest evilest end. They do this because they would love to see you give up in despair with worry and doubt by your side. The devil hates you and wants you to suffer.

But when happens when you have the aroma of an open spirit? When you have nothing to hide and you give all what you are going through to Jesus? The enemy has no authority over your life or its circumstances. You become free in a new way to see the hope of the future. If you make a decision to enter an atmosphere of worship instead of worry it can overshadow the enemy and his plans. His demonic spirits must flee because they cannot stay in any atmosphere where he is not lifted up.  

My friend, who can stop the Lord Almighty? If we let that resonate in our spirits and truly marinate in this question, we find power. Isaiah 14:27 it says the Lord Almighty has purpose and no one can thwart him. This is the greatest news ever!!! Absolutely no one can stop his purposes, his plans or his will over your life. It may seem like in the natural that the enemy is winning but when you take those blinders off you will see that Jesus already defeated the lies of that snake. Where you find hope is in the Lord Almighty and his promises over your life.

I say that today, you walk in the authority that Jesus died for you to have. You say “no” to any negative thought or action and you declare power, healing, forgiveness, love and hope for your future. Jesus loves you and you have power……use it.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord God Almighty, you surround me. You delivered me from my enemies. You have set me free. You have given me a spirit of courage, not fear. I belong to you, Lord. Thank you for who you are. You are holy, kind, patient and forgiving. From my mother’s womb you have chosen me. I am born into a whole new family and your love flows through my veins. There is no one thing here on this earth that can stop the plans you have over my life. I will no longer be a slave to fear. I sing freedom…..I praise your holy holy name. I will stand on your promises today and forevermore. I love you…..I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen