For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Thursday, May 12, 2016

~ AND HE is Still Good ~

Life hurts, let’s face it. People and circumstances will strike you at the center of your heart and you will FEEL like you can no longer go on. Fact is God never promised us a life full of no trials but what he did promise was that he will leave us with his peace (John 14:27). We have a choice to follow what this world says or we can stand on what Jesus says. No matter the circumstance he is worthy of it all. This life here on this earth is not our final destination as a Christ follower so we really should not be in doubt or in panic when ugly things appear in our lives. Those obstacles are opportunities to trust God and leave whatever that is causing you strife at his feet. Jesus is coming back for his church (Rev 1:8) and our job is to honor our Father’s name until that day comes, not to fret. We will experience much persecution here on this earth but we will never be completely broken, maybe bruised but never crushed.

Friends, I encourage your heart today. I challenge you to stand against all the lies of the enemy regardless of what is it. Focus on who your King is and renew your mind every second of the day. You will find all living truth in the word of God. If you do not know how to read the bible ask the Lord to show you how, the Holy Spirit guides you and HE is faithful to ALL who diligently seek him.

Who can stop the LORD ALMIGHTY? Absolutely no one thing, person or circumstance on this earth…….God is fighting your battle and has power. Bow before your King and worship his Holy name. He is able……..and is still good no matter what.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Jesus, my Savior, My King and Stronghold. Thank you for all that you have done for me, your mercy endures forever. My heart, my life and circumstances I lay at your feet. I am not my own and cannot do anything in my own strength. I know that you can heal my broken heart. I stand on your promises in your word and will not depart from them. There is no weapon formed against me that can prosper and I trust you. I ask that you please forgive me for any evil thing in my heart and make my heart pure now by your blood, Lord. I desire to love and look like you and I will not be afraid of what this world says, you are my protector. Set a fire in my soul and help my, Holy Spirit to stand against the lies of this world, make me bold for your name sake. You are here in your splendor standing here with me. I am yours…..I love you. Amen