For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, May 25, 2020

Tips for Deeper Bible Study

Hi friends! I hope you are having a great morning. This morning I was watching a great video from The Daily Grace Company on YT about inductive bible study. Here are my notes. May it bless your reading and studies somehow.

Tips on Deeper Bible Study

1.     Pray
Ø  Ask God to give you wisdom, clarity, discernment, and conviction. Pray for his word to come alive in a new and exciting way. Invite the Holy Spirit into your reading and study.
Ø  Gather your favorite bible study supplies (pens, books, washi, journals, or planners) 😊
Ø  But you NEED the bible. Everything else comes second.
2.   Prepare
Ø  Research the book of the bible you are about to start reading. You must gather understanding first about the original audience. Each book of the bible contains narrative and background, you need to understand that.
Ø  Ask yourself: Who is the author or audience? When was the text written? What is the purpose of the book and or theme?
*ESV study bible does contain info on each book of the bible before the chapter starts, read it.
3. Comprehend
Ø  Read the scripture over and over again, multiple times (Holy Spirit can reveal things differently)
Ø  Read the whole chapter start to finish if you can. It helps in understanding all of the chapter contexts as a whole. It is so worth it to take your time here.
Ø  Highlight and take notes on keywords, themes, transition words (therefore, but or likewise), any lists, ideas, comparisons, sins, commands, questions or unfamiliar words, etc.
3.   Interpret
Ø  Start reading other translations (CEV, MSG, AMP, NASB, ESV), cross reference scripture, paraphrase or summarize your understanding in its original audience.
Ø  Use a trusted commentary BUT remember it is not the word of God. Test the commentary against scripture to ensure no misinterpretation.
4.   Application
Now use this time to challenge yourself by asking yourself some questions. I pray that your desire to sit with the Lord grows and you are letting his word and presence penetrate your heart.

Ø  How does what I read point back to the bigger redemption story? (creation, fall, redemption in Christ and restoration)
Ø  How should what I read change me?
Ø  What does all this reveal about God and his character?
Ø  What did it reveal about myself?
Ø  How does this passage reveal my sin?
Ø  What specific actions steps do I now need to take?
Ø  Most importantly, how do I need to pray to God for all this?

*Remember scripture interprets scripture. All scripture is God’s word. Do not make the mistake in trying to make scripture fit your thinking. When reading God’s word, it will always show us his character. God is forever and unchanging and so is his word. God bless your reading and studies.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for righteousness “– 2 Timothy 3:16

Saturday, May 23, 2020

June Scripture Writing Plan: Submission to God


Studying scripture will change your life. God's word is authoritative and good for teaching and will convict your spirit. God will use his word to communicate with you. Join me as we study on submission to God for June.

I pray you do not make this overly complicated. If you have never studied God's word before, email me. I would love to chat with you.

Happy Learning! May the word of God help you grow into the woman God created you to be.


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Rewriting Cognitive Distortions in Christ

What are distortions? In my opinion, they are lies from the pit of hell. They are Satan's lies to us that we must give in to faulty/negative thinking. If he can get us to believe that people are out to get us, see constant negative patterns, make mountains out of molehills, etc. than we will be confused. When we are confused, we cannot be who God needs us to be. In my own flesh, I fall for them too but God has also taught me that I have the authority that Satan does not. I was sharing my planner recently on social media and how I use it to aid in my mental health. I decided to rewrite these cognitive distortions so that I can reframe them and have a referenced truth. I hope you can benefit from the little resource.


Almighty Father, throughout my life I have believed lies that have distorted my thinking. I confess these distortions as sin and come humbling to your throne. I have authority in you and I do not have to let my emotions warp what I hear. I declare and decree that all thinking that is not of you flee from my heart. Replace my faulty thinking with your word and promises for my life. I have a purpose and a mission here on earth and let it be building your kingdom. Thank you for your love. I pray in your name, Jesus. Amen. 

Use Realistic Language
Forgiveness for Others & Self
Compassion for Self
All or Nothing Thinking
Being Flexible
Negativity Bias
Positive Thoughts
Expect Hope in Situations
Reframing Identity
Magical Thinking
Establish Sensible Goals
Not Offended or Moved
Mind Reading
Double Standard
Fallacy of Fairness
God is Fair
Emotional reasoning
Grounding Yourself in Truth

Faith Affirmations:
1.       I can use realistic/accurate language (Romans 9:1)
2.       Forgiving others and myself is my priority (Matthew 6:14-15)
3.       I can relax and not be so rigid. Compassion is for me (Colossians 3:12)
4.       I am flexible in this situation. Accepting God’s perspective (Phil 4:13)
5.       My thoughts are true and pure and they breed God’s presence (Ephesians 6:10)
6.       Christ labels me as His. I am saved, new and reconciled to Him (2 Cor. 5:17)
7.       I am chosen, a royal priesthood. I possess light in Jesus (1 Peter 2:9)
8.       Everything won’t always be perfect. I can adjust to what comes my way. (Eph 2:19-22)
9.       I am not easily offended. Everything is not directed at me. I am steady in Christ. (Col 1:23-25)
10.   I can ask for clarification. I will not assume what others are thinking (Proverbs 18:2)
11.   I can offer grace to myself because Jesus died for me to have it. (2 Cor 5:15)
12.   God is fair when I feel this world is not. I can trust in Him. (Isaiah 30:18)
13.   I can ground myself with truth and change the narrative of my feelings (2 Timothy 2:15)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

~ What is YOUR Why? ~

Many people wake up each morning with their own unique reasons. These motivating factors compel them to wake with gratitude, desire and live with purpose or they stop them from having hope. It is all in their mind and heart. What is your why? What motivates you to get out of the bed each morning? What matters most to you?

I can tell you that I get up each day because I know the Lord is counting on me to be his hands and feet in this world. I know I am called for bigger things and they do not involve how I feel. I know I am purpose filled. My why is to serve the Lord first and foremost through loving people, growing, teaching and being an example of Christ. I want to be a supportive wife and mommy and cut people grace while showing them the Love of God. If I had to sum my why up in three words it would be: God, Family and People.

Most days I forget my why or I have no motivation for this “why”. I don’ feel qualified, I feel vulnerable or simply just not motivated. If I counted on my feelings, I would not accomplish much or just would maybe sit in laziness. God gave me others to care for so I see that as a major blessing to get up daily. I did not have the greatest earthly examples growing up and I surely was not shown how to preserve. God showed me what it meant to live out my “why”. Will you let him show you?

If you are unsure about your why, let’s go to the word of God:

1         Your purpose for living is to bring glory to God:

“Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them” – Isaiah 43:7
“So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him” – 2 Corinthians 5:9

2       To conform into the image of Christ

“For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps” – 1 Peter 2:21
“Be imitators of me, as I am Christ” – 1 Corinthians 11:1

3    Serving God with your life

“Whatever you do, work heartily as you are working for the Lord” – Colossians 3:23

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in him” – Ephesians 2:10

Friends, you were made with extreme purpose and each and every one of us in Christ have our own unique parts in the body of Christ. IF you are struggling to see clear, ask the Lord for his perspective. You cannot live in this dark world alone thinking you can succeed off sheer determination and worldly affirmations. I tried for years to run my own life thinking I would be full of joy. If you feel you lack purpose that can very well be the Lord tugging at your spirit. He made you and he knows your inner most thoughts and workings. The void you feel is only meant to be filled by HIM and him only. Your job won’t fulfill you. Your husband and kids won’t give you extreme happiness every day. The money in your bank account doesn’t last and the material things you have can burn up tomorrow. Nothing is permanent here on this earth.

When you spend time with God, surrender your ways, confess your sins and have a genuine desire to get to know him, he will lead and guide you. He will open doors, he will give you purpose and he specifically show you what he wants you to do on this earth. When the Lord shows you your purpose and you are filled with his spirit, you will obey.

Sis, I challenge you to partner with the Holy Spirit. Let the Lord give you his perspective on your life. Will it be instant? No, God is not a genie and the relationship you have with the Lord is a beautiful journey. He is patiently waiting to help you understand you’re true “why”. Fill your mind with things that are of the Lord and you will never want for more. You will soon find that God alone is enough.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Father God, I acknowledge that I am not my own. You made me and know everything about me and what I am specifically made to do here on earth. I give you my heart, mind and spirit. I give you my thoughts, mouth and ideas. I want to invite you as an active participant in my life. I do not want to wander around life any more. I want to be spirit filled and purpose led. Fill me with your HOLY fire, Jesus. I confess my sins and I believe you died for me on a cross and rose three days later. I thank you in advance for helping me and giving me a new life in you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen

Thursday, August 22, 2019

~ Give Yourself Away ~

Give YOURSELF away so The Lord can use you, friend. This life is not about you. Life can hurt and feel so confusing at times. I believe life feels so overwhelming when we place our circumstances in the palms of this world and not Christ.

What are you going through right now, sis? What is distracting you? What is stopping you in your tracks because you are in fear? Hone in on that thing and relinquish your reigns. Let it go and give it to Jesus. That thing, that person or that heart ache is not God’s plan for your life. His plan is for you to have hope and prosper in HIM (Jer 29:11). Today, I encourage you to not camp out in your circumstance. Give yourself and that circumstance away to the Lord so he can use you. He wants a willing heart.

There is some one out there that does not know the faithfulness of our Father. Someone needs your smile, your encouragement and your ear. Be that blessing to someone today. When we fixate our mind to things that are of the Lord, a miracle happens. A true break through!

There are some true trying things that are happening in our family right now. It is scary. It hurts and to be honest I am scared as I do not know the outcome. But GOD!! One thing I am truly learning is to relinquish my plans and pray for the Lord to help me serve someone. This serving is not always monetary but if that is what I know the Lord is placing on my heart and it aligns with his word, I will do it. When I focus my heart and mind on Jesus, my fear subsides. My problem seems smaller and God seems bigger. I have confidence that the Lord will work all things out for my good and my family. God stands by HIS word. So, join me in being a vessel for the Lord!

Go out today, sis! Have faith. Be a blessing in this dark world. Do not shrink back in hard circumstances as they are to build you. Put on ALL the armor of the Lord and fight back in the Spirit. Do not wait for someone to stir you up. You get in there and tag team with the Lord and have a praise session. Don’t be afraid because Jesus loves you!

You can stand your ground with the Lord on your side. Get ready for the Lord to bless you and your loved ones. Stay encouraged!

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Take my heart, Lord. Take my life, my circumstance and use me as a living sacrifice. Lord, my plans are useless I really spend too much time in worry. I place my plans in your hands. Prepare my heart and mind for whatever comes. I want to be ready. Help me serve you and others with a positive yet grateful attitude. May I stay aligned with your spirit. Show me how to do things your way. Help me to stop making mistakes over and over again. I open up my heart and mind to you. Guide me, Holy Spirit. By the blood of Jesus, Amen

Sunday, March 24, 2019

~ A Balanced Wife, Mom & Worker ~

Motherhood… is both beautiful and exhausting but it is filled with opportunities for us to grow in Christ. God trusts you to help raise your children into Christ –like human beings, in a flawed world so we must do it with excellence. If we are not plugged into our power source we can pass unhealthy habits, thinking or behaviors onto our children.

I became a mother at a very young age and I was not equipped with understanding all I needed to know to raise the tiny human. I have learned a lot about myself throughout the years of having more children and maturing but if it was not for the grace of the Lord, my children would have suffered greatly.  Just recently I resigned from my position in HR because I did not like who I was becoming working for that organization with those leaders. I was becoming inpatient, unkind, stressed and developing a bad complaining attitude. I started taking it out on my husband and children because I was so unhappy. I had to step back and take inventory of my heart. As a wife/mother, if I do not constantly take inventory of the weeds I let grow in and around my heart, my family suffers.

I have to balance much with being a working mama but I am a wife first. God has an ordained structure to the Christian home, please take time to understand it. God first, your husband, your children and everything else comes after. I am currently fasting and praying deciding whether I want to continue to work out of the home or stay home to care for my home full-time. I am sure the Lord will help guide me to the right decision.

To my tired, weary mama (me included) who feels like she wants to pull her hair out, hang on. The Lord is working behind the scenes on your behalf to offer strength like no other to you.

Encouragement for you:
-Keep going and let your feelings catch up later. Trust God at his promises. Study the word daily. 
-Encourage your husband. Be his cheerleader. Be that safe haven for him and please forgive quickly.   he is trying his best and remember he is God’s son. How you treat him matters greatly.
-Let the situations you face help develop you. They are not in vain and God will show you something about yourself. Pay attention.
-Your home is your first ministry, take the time to nurture it.
-Teach your kids those hard lessons. You must develop a child that can bear the weight of this dark world. Set them up for success in Christ.
-Self –care, it is a must. You cannot help your family on an empty tank. Ask the Holy Spirit for help.
-Grace yourself – you are not superwoman and God doesn’t expect you to do everything. Say no and know your boundaries. Please the Lord.
-Make good use of your time. Use a planner to block out your time and do little things in your home that will add up throughout the week.
-Find a balance and do not forget to laugh and enjoy your portion. God gave you all you have for a reason. 

Some Scriptures to Study:
Proverbs 31 – Every verse in that chapter
Psalm 113:9
1 Peter 4:8
Phil 2:14-15
Jer 17:7-8
Psalm 139:13
Galatians 5:22
Isaiah 66:13

Do your part, friends. The Lord loves you! You will never go without as long as you keep the Lord at the fore front of your life, home, and marriage. Enjoy your babies as they are an extension of you. J
Your family is counting on you to be full of love, joy, peace and of a sound mind.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Let’s Pray:
Father, God I thank you that you are sovereign. That you know me and all my capabilities. Strengthen me this day, O Lord. Renew my heart, fill my spirit with your everlasting love. Help me to care for my home as my first priority and let me do it with excellence. If I am not putting you first, please forgive me and show me how. My desire is to please, honor and obey you and understand my role in my marriage and family. I do not want to raise children that do not know you. Help me to teach them your ways. Help me to lead by example. I know you are for me and go before me in every matter in my life. I will stand on your promises for my life and will endure for your name sake. I thank you in advance for working in my heart to rid me of anything that is not of you. I love you, Lord. I pray in your precious, Holy name. Amen.

Monday, March 18, 2019

~ A Renewed Mind......IN Christ ~

Life happens. Seasons change. Circumstances arise. How do you adapt to such shifts? How is your attitude during these times? I know that often times I panic, worry, doubt or sit in fear especially if the issue has to do with my children or husband. I am guilty of letting my flesh control me. It is easy to fall for this type of thinking when life feels like it has knocked you down or it has been your go to for years. Daily I learn to trust the Lord and let go of my ways. Will you join me, sis?
What is the condition of our minds in trying situations? What is in our hearts, truly? Have we allowed the Lord to penetrate our hearts so deep with his loving presence that we are filled with trust in him? Or would we much rather control the situation ourselves and be in anxious thoughts? Life is about choices. We must learn to make better ones when it comes to our thinking.

Sisters, we are not built to sustain extreme mental pain, we need our Savior. How do we renew our mind in Christ? Romans 12:12 says that we must not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of our mind. We MUST work to renew our minds every second of the day. We cannot give the enemy a foothold or he will take it and run with it. What does your prayer life look like? Your quiet time? Are you working God into your schedule or is your schedule worked around the Lord?

God made us and we are his children. Jesus left us the power of the Holy Spirit, we are not alone in this world. We cannot continue to be powerless when adversity strikes. God gave us a spirit of power, love and self discipline as 2 Timothy 1:7 states. We can have a mind like Christ and it truly starts with our perspective. What are we watching, listening to or hearing? What we put in our hearts truly makes all the difference. If you know that your marriage has undergone issues with infidelity than should you really be watching TV shows that speak about a cheating partner? If you have an issue with porn should you be watching shows with a lot of sex in it? What do you listen to in the car? You may think these things do not matter but they really do. We cannot walk with authority when we do not know who gives it to us. Our thinking will take us to the next level if we intentionally seek God’s ways and not our own. 

Philippians 4:8 says to think on things that are pure, lovely, excellent and admirable. Sis, God can heal, mend, restore, redeem and free us of anything or anyone. We have to trust and believe that he will not forsake us or leave us like orphans. We belong to him therefore we have his wonder working power.When tests, trials or unfortunate circumstances arise, remain calm, ground yourself in God’s truth and be ready to replace negative thoughts with Godly ones. YOU must guard your heart, mind and spirit at all costs (Ephesians 4:22-23). 

We cannot live this life with a mind like Christ if we continually leave him out of it. The bible is for healing, instruction, teaching with direction but will we pick it up and let it soak into our dry weary spirits? Memorize scripture so that it can help you combat lies with truth. Don’t just read the bible, meditate on it and then walk out of your house and live it out. We can apply the word to our thinking as long as we understand we need the Lord to do it. I am on this journey with you. Together we can seek the Lord. Let’s get going, sis.
In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Lord, you are magnificent! You calm the raging seas. You guide, teach and love me like no other. Lord, I am nothing without you. You created me and I am yours. Father, forgive me for all the times that I leave you out of my life. You care about every detail of it and I want to work with you to involve you in my life more. Fill me with your presence, Lord. Start a fire in my soul, Jesus and let it burn for you and only you. When I am tempted to worry help me to renew my mind in you, Holy Spirit. Let me trust in what you are doing in every situation,
 please let me find you. I can think right thoughts and renew my mind in your word daily. Thank you, Lord for going before me and never leaving me. I am learning to trust you, Lord. Thank you for filling me this day. I pray in your precious holy name. Amen

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

What is the Purpose of Your Marriage?

Are you arguing with our spouse every day trying to prove you are right and he is wrong or vice versa? Are you both missing each other and your communication is totally off? I am going to get real personal and I pray this helps someone because it helped me today.

Marriage is hard work and it will show you a reflection of who you truly are. Your spouse lives with you daily and they share a very intimate space with you that no one else does. They will see the good, bad and ugly. There will be times where they will point out your shortcomings. You will either embrace the honest feedback or you will fight back (I fight back most of the time). When you embrace the honest feedback you can learn some things about yourself. It is a hard pill to swallow to hear negative things about yourself but God has shown me some things about me through my marriage. When I fight to defend myself in my marriage, it is pride and pride does not foster an environment where the Lord can dwell. Pride got Satan kicked out of heaven. : /

Marriages are to reflect the image of God and YOU must commit to that purpose (Genesis 1:26-27). When either spouse starts to focus on the shortcomings of their spouse, it causes division. That division and disunity is a reflection of Satan, not the Lord.

God started speaking to me about my marriage because I asked him to. I already knew that I would not like what he had to say but because I truly want change in me, I listened hard.

God said: How are you honoring me in your marriage, Monique? Is it always about you? Are you unhappy because you are not happy with who I made you to be? Who are you becoming in this marriage?
After God asked me these questions it was like the Holy Spirit started downloading instances where I would fight to defend myself in my marriage. God showed me I have had the spirit of pride in me and I have not been truly reflecting his image in my marriage.

My husband is not my God. I cannot put so much expectation on him to make me happy. I could be unhappy for a number of reasons. I am to partner with the Holy Spirit to change my emotions, attitude and perspective about my marriage. The Lord is the only one that can help change me. I must confess my sin and surrender my ways of thinking. My perspective is my own. Once I take my eyes off the Lord and put them on myself, it is not good for my relationship with the Lord nor my marriage.  

Friends, I dislike constructive criticism from anyone, especially my husband because I can’t stand to hear what I am doing wrong (pride). My husband challenges me. He calls me out and will point out my weaknesses and I cannot stand it. I now know I have to be able to come to a place where I can recognize and learn from my husband’s honesty. I have to be able to trust he is led by the Lord and knows what is best for me. Criticism is rough for a person like me however if I can swallow my pride and value my husband's  input then I can learn to step in his shoes and see life through my husband’s eyes. Besides there must be a reason he is responding to me negatively. The Lord gave me my husband and it was with purpose. He is my opposite for a reason. I MUST trust the Lord and HIS plans for my marriage.

Marriage can be full of joy and it can be a thorn in your side and it truly is how you view the purpose of it. Marriage is a journey of two becoming one. When I said “I do” that did not instantaneously merge the two of us together. Know the purpose for my marriage from God’s eyes will help my life with my husband make sense. I cannot wait for my husband to act a certain way to change. God gave me discernment, I must get started in changing my behavior and watch God move in my life.
Honor God, trust and honor your husband and that is where true Joy is. That will be my plan and commitment, will you join me?

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Father, I confess the spirit of pride. I confess that I have been making this marriage about me and not anything that resembles you. I am sorry and I ask for forgiveness for this. I want to honor you and my husband. I am a sinner and I recognize my part in the chaos in my marriage. Please work with me to change my emotions, reactions, thoughts and make me a new wife and woman in this area. You are my God and worthy of all the praise. Thank you for speaking to me and helping me see the error in my ways. I will walk in obedience and righteousness for your name sake. You love me and you love my marriage and I am excited to see where you take us both. In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Monday, October 8, 2018

~ Shift your Perspective! No more Excuses! ~

Each day we wake is a blessing, only if you see it as such. Each new day comes with responsibility and commitment. Each day can be lived with joy and it truly does not have to be seen as a bother. Depending how you were raised can often have an impact with how you handle life.

We are weak. We are frail humans. God wants to trust us to do HIS business down here on earth. The problem is we are all in our feelings stuck in worry, unhappiness, doubt and fear and we keep getting distracted from our heavenly assignment. All this negative activity is truly sucking the joy out of us. Life is truly beautiful if you stop and smell the roses literally. (if you live in Texas, take some Claritin, first) :P

As a believer, you have authority for much (Luke 10:19) on this earth. We were given a spirit of power and courage.  It is hard to see that when we are depressed and think this life is not making us happy. We must fight to get our flesh in check. Our flesh will run us if we are not careful.

Well, Monique that sounds great but um I just cannot see myself out of this situation right now? You really do not get what is happening to me? Sis, the situation you are in is not ideal however, it is for the glory of the Lord. You MUST trust that God knows what he is doing in your life. The situation is not about you all the time. It could very well be someone else’s break through that is in the situation with you. God is needing your obedience to let his plans work. We are always so concerned with the unknown (me included) and we want answers now and do not want to wait. We will pout, sulk, be upset and talk about our problems all day making ourselves so unhappy because WE are the issue.

We have to start to shift and be accountable for what is going on in our heart. We must take our eyes off the problem, situation or whatever it is that is causing stress and worry and focus on ALL things Jesus. It is time for kingdom business.

·         When was the last time you went in your closet to donate clothes?

·         What does your soul care look like? Have you even tried to open your Bible before you started to complain?

·         Do you know of someone that could use a hug, some hope or some encouragement?  

·         Have you found a church home? Are you serving in it?

·         Have you tried casting your care? That means surrendering it to the Lord and trusting he will work it out.

Scriptures to study: Wage war in the spirit

Ø  Luke 10:19

Ø  Matthew 28:18

Ø  1 John 4:4

Ø  2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Ø  Romans 12:1-21

There are so many things we can do right while God is moving behind the scenes moving on our behalf. We do not need to know what God is doing at all times. If we did, why is believing and trusting in God and his timing even needed? No more talking about the issue. No more worrying and fretting. No more praying for your problems to vanish. It is time you move from that valley (no more camping out) and be all that God needs you to be. Pick yourself off the floor, put down the phone, and pause, pray, wait, worship with serve. No more pity parties for you.

The mind is a true a battlefield, sis. You must renew it every second of the day. You are no longer your past. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. You truly can do all the things God has called you to do. No weapon will form against you nor shall it prosper. You are a child of the MOST high King. You must act, think and appreciate all God has done for you and is doing for you EVEN in trial. There is blessing that will come out of the whole situation but there is something blocking your view. Partner with God to remove it and be better. Don’t feel bad, don’t give up. Keep going and fight for your life! Switch your perspective!! You cannot be happy until you decide you will be. No more blaming others. It is time to shift. Time to grow and be about Jesus. Your family is your first ministry. Start there if you cannot think of anywhere to start. Just do something and God will meet you right where you are.

In Christ,
Monique Smith 

Prayer Starter:
Lord, I am hurting. My heart is filled with so much bitterness and unhappiness. Take this burden from me, Jesus. I give it all to you and surrender my way of thinking and reacting. I want a new me, Lord. Please partner with me to change my life, my heart, and my perspective. I am nothing without you, Father. Cleanse me from my sins. I am tired of worrying and going back in forth with myself. Keep me steady, Father. Give me peace that surpasses all my understanding. I love you and thank you for all that you are doing in my life even when I cannot see it. I pray in Jesus precious name. Amen

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

~ Encouragement for Your Weary Soul – Trials and Tribulations ~

Trial comes, says the Lord in John 16:33. We did not get a promise from the Lord that this life would be pain free. BUT what the Lord did promise was that he would never leave us nor would he forsake us. He promised a way out. The way out is through Him and Him only. If we remain steadfast in trial we will receive the crown of life (James 1:12). We can do all we need to in this life IF we keep our hearts, minds and words on all things that are of Him.

 Christ rose from the grave to give us a new life in HIM (2 Corinthians 5:15). We will feel uncomfortable, we will be stretched, we will maybe go without, and we will be stripped. But we will always grow, we will also learn, we will also serve and love when we place our trust in the Lord. This Christian walk will not be easy however where there was sin, God’s grace runs deeper. You MUST renew your mind daily.

Personally, much has happened to our family. We have been attacked from all sides. But we stand in awe of our Heavenly Father. Not because we are these Holy and righteous people (blemish free) but ONLY because we want to glorify our Father in these trials. I do not know about you friend but I am tired of going around the same mountains and expecting different results. I am tired of the burden of worry and fear. I am tired of trying to handle these trials with my own bare hands. The Lord says he will fight for me and all I have to do is be silent and trust Him. Something about that brings me great peace and comfort. Let’s let the Lord carry us today. Let’s rejoice in hope and be patient and be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12).

I want to encourage your weary spirits today that the Lord, OUR God in heaven is with you. It feels lonely and FEELS like he is nowhere to be found. Trust Him, friend! He is right alongside you in this situation if you would only look up from the chaos of life. Often times when we are in an extreme amount of sin or chaos we really cannot see much. We panic and go back into habits that we feel bring us safety. Let the Lord be your shelter. Ask Him to give you wisdom, instruction and clarity in the midst of your situation and wait, pause and refuse to worry. Go about your day and bless someone. When you take your hands off of all the chaos and intentionally TRUST in what God says, you will see something different.

Prayer Starter:
Lord, you know our hearts. You see our pain. You are with us, Father. Thank you for the grace and love you give us day in and out. Help me, Lord to look to you and not my circumstances within this world. Renew my mind each day and convict my heart. I pray my heart is sensitive to your promptings and that I follow them on the onset. My heart is weary and I feel lonely this day. Today, I will intentionally seek you in all I see. I surrender my ways and trust yours are higher. Thank you for working all things out my good. I pray in your precious name, Jesus. Amen