For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Rewriting Cognitive Distortions in Christ

What are distortions? In my opinion, they are lies from the pit of hell. They are Satan's lies to us that we must give in to faulty/negative thinking. If he can get us to believe that people are out to get us, see constant negative patterns, make mountains out of molehills, etc. than we will be confused. When we are confused, we cannot be who God needs us to be. In my own flesh, I fall for them too but God has also taught me that I have the authority that Satan does not. I was sharing my planner recently on social media and how I use it to aid in my mental health. I decided to rewrite these cognitive distortions so that I can reframe them and have a referenced truth. I hope you can benefit from the little resource.


Almighty Father, throughout my life I have believed lies that have distorted my thinking. I confess these distortions as sin and come humbling to your throne. I have authority in you and I do not have to let my emotions warp what I hear. I declare and decree that all thinking that is not of you flee from my heart. Replace my faulty thinking with your word and promises for my life. I have a purpose and a mission here on earth and let it be building your kingdom. Thank you for your love. I pray in your name, Jesus. Amen. 

Use Realistic Language
Forgiveness for Others & Self
Compassion for Self
All or Nothing Thinking
Being Flexible
Negativity Bias
Positive Thoughts
Expect Hope in Situations
Reframing Identity
Magical Thinking
Establish Sensible Goals
Not Offended or Moved
Mind Reading
Double Standard
Fallacy of Fairness
God is Fair
Emotional reasoning
Grounding Yourself in Truth

Faith Affirmations:
1.       I can use realistic/accurate language (Romans 9:1)
2.       Forgiving others and myself is my priority (Matthew 6:14-15)
3.       I can relax and not be so rigid. Compassion is for me (Colossians 3:12)
4.       I am flexible in this situation. Accepting God’s perspective (Phil 4:13)
5.       My thoughts are true and pure and they breed God’s presence (Ephesians 6:10)
6.       Christ labels me as His. I am saved, new and reconciled to Him (2 Cor. 5:17)
7.       I am chosen, a royal priesthood. I possess light in Jesus (1 Peter 2:9)
8.       Everything won’t always be perfect. I can adjust to what comes my way. (Eph 2:19-22)
9.       I am not easily offended. Everything is not directed at me. I am steady in Christ. (Col 1:23-25)
10.   I can ask for clarification. I will not assume what others are thinking (Proverbs 18:2)
11.   I can offer grace to myself because Jesus died for me to have it. (2 Cor 5:15)
12.   God is fair when I feel this world is not. I can trust in Him. (Isaiah 30:18)
13.   I can ground myself with truth and change the narrative of my feelings (2 Timothy 2:15)