For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, October 8, 2018

~ Shift your Perspective! No more Excuses! ~

Each day we wake is a blessing, only if you see it as such. Each new day comes with responsibility and commitment. Each day can be lived with joy and it truly does not have to be seen as a bother. Depending how you were raised can often have an impact with how you handle life.

We are weak. We are frail humans. God wants to trust us to do HIS business down here on earth. The problem is we are all in our feelings stuck in worry, unhappiness, doubt and fear and we keep getting distracted from our heavenly assignment. All this negative activity is truly sucking the joy out of us. Life is truly beautiful if you stop and smell the roses literally. (if you live in Texas, take some Claritin, first) :P

As a believer, you have authority for much (Luke 10:19) on this earth. We were given a spirit of power and courage.  It is hard to see that when we are depressed and think this life is not making us happy. We must fight to get our flesh in check. Our flesh will run us if we are not careful.

Well, Monique that sounds great but um I just cannot see myself out of this situation right now? You really do not get what is happening to me? Sis, the situation you are in is not ideal however, it is for the glory of the Lord. You MUST trust that God knows what he is doing in your life. The situation is not about you all the time. It could very well be someone else’s break through that is in the situation with you. God is needing your obedience to let his plans work. We are always so concerned with the unknown (me included) and we want answers now and do not want to wait. We will pout, sulk, be upset and talk about our problems all day making ourselves so unhappy because WE are the issue.

We have to start to shift and be accountable for what is going on in our heart. We must take our eyes off the problem, situation or whatever it is that is causing stress and worry and focus on ALL things Jesus. It is time for kingdom business.

·         When was the last time you went in your closet to donate clothes?

·         What does your soul care look like? Have you even tried to open your Bible before you started to complain?

·         Do you know of someone that could use a hug, some hope or some encouragement?  

·         Have you found a church home? Are you serving in it?

·         Have you tried casting your care? That means surrendering it to the Lord and trusting he will work it out.

Scriptures to study: Wage war in the spirit

Ø  Luke 10:19

Ø  Matthew 28:18

Ø  1 John 4:4

Ø  2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Ø  Romans 12:1-21

There are so many things we can do right while God is moving behind the scenes moving on our behalf. We do not need to know what God is doing at all times. If we did, why is believing and trusting in God and his timing even needed? No more talking about the issue. No more worrying and fretting. No more praying for your problems to vanish. It is time you move from that valley (no more camping out) and be all that God needs you to be. Pick yourself off the floor, put down the phone, and pause, pray, wait, worship with serve. No more pity parties for you.

The mind is a true a battlefield, sis. You must renew it every second of the day. You are no longer your past. You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. You truly can do all the things God has called you to do. No weapon will form against you nor shall it prosper. You are a child of the MOST high King. You must act, think and appreciate all God has done for you and is doing for you EVEN in trial. There is blessing that will come out of the whole situation but there is something blocking your view. Partner with God to remove it and be better. Don’t feel bad, don’t give up. Keep going and fight for your life! Switch your perspective!! You cannot be happy until you decide you will be. No more blaming others. It is time to shift. Time to grow and be about Jesus. Your family is your first ministry. Start there if you cannot think of anywhere to start. Just do something and God will meet you right where you are.

In Christ,
Monique Smith 

Prayer Starter:
Lord, I am hurting. My heart is filled with so much bitterness and unhappiness. Take this burden from me, Jesus. I give it all to you and surrender my way of thinking and reacting. I want a new me, Lord. Please partner with me to change my life, my heart, and my perspective. I am nothing without you, Father. Cleanse me from my sins. I am tired of worrying and going back in forth with myself. Keep me steady, Father. Give me peace that surpasses all my understanding. I love you and thank you for all that you are doing in my life even when I cannot see it. I pray in Jesus precious name. Amen