For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, February 8, 2016

~ Do NOT Give Up ~

Often times we face certain adversities and feel like it is way too much and want to throw the towel in. Our marriage is on the brink of separation or divorce, or our kids are distant and out of control or maybe the stresses are coming from not having a job or not making enough to make ends meet. Whatever the situation is, my friend I challenge you to not give up. Fight the good fight of faith. God says in his word that in due time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:9). If we stay strong our work will be rewarded (2 Chronicles 15:7). God knows what he is doing and he does not need our help. We take matters into our own hands when we stress, worry, doubt and keep talking about our circumstance.

When I was younger and first gave my life to the Lord giving up to me was the only option. I did not know how to fight for things in my life. I thought if it was too hard I would just leave it, walk away or ignore it. I did not know how to handle life’s adversities and be a mother to a young baby and juggle me. Not until the Lord showed me about myself and that I did not have to handle life alone is when life started to make sense. The Holy Spirit showed me that I could give my circumstance to him and go out and still enjoy my life while he works things out for my good. I was learning faith and I continue to each day. You are not alone, sister.

Jesus has a plan for your life; you have purpose as Jeremiah 29:11 says so. Today, I challenge you to step out in faith and give all that is stressing you out over to Jesus and be still. Stop going around the same old mountains and make a decision to handle life different with the Lord.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Thank you Jesus that you care for me, that you love me so much to give me options for handling this life. You are amazing and I stand in awe at your grace. I am sorry for trying to handle this life without you. You are my strength and provider and I need to practice being still with you instead of taking matters into my own hands. This journey with you is a process and I am so eternally grateful that you allow me to be me and still pick me up and set me up on solid ground minute by minute. I love you, Father. Amen

Friday, February 5, 2016

~ Perfect Love Cast Out ALL Fear ~

Fear chokes us! It can grab a hold of our lives, thoughts, purpose and lie to us. It tells us we are not enough. We are not equipped. It says we have no purpose and that our circumstance is just too big for God. Fear tells us to give up and call it quits. It says to doubt everything even how much God loves us. Fear is a lie from the pit of hell and comes straight from the devil himself. God’s character will never say to fear. In fact, in his word it says that he does not give us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) but of sound mind and courage. If the devil can get me to fear in everything I do or think, I will behave and speak with a panic stance. When trial comes I will shrink back or when something I know God tells me to do, I won’t do it because I let the feeling of fear suffocate me.

God has called me to encourage, teach, coach and counsel. I have a specific purpose on my life and because I know this I have a decision to make in many areas of this calling. If I allow this false evidence that looks real but is not choke me, I will not fulfill the call on my life. You are not alone. There are many areas where I let fear creep in and start taking my eyes off Jesus and focusing on my circumstance. You do not have to face life alone. You have the Lord! Jesus has already won and came to give you a life worth living.  

When fear comes, I challenge you to truly send Jesus to answer. I challenge you to stay still and wait for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I challenge you to go to God and tell him all about this fear and then stand on his promises for your life. Do not move from the position of Princess Warrior. Fight the good fight of faith, my friend.

Sis, you have purpose. You have a specific calling on your life. You cannot afford to believe the lies of the enemy any longer. You are more than a conqueror in Christ. It is time to trust that Jesus is for you and mediate on that perfect love cast out ALL fear (1 John 4:18).

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Lord, you are my stronghold. You are my Father. You love and care for me. You are the way, truth and life. Fear does not come from you, Jesus. When I start to worry and panic, I know that is not a spirit that you gave me. I pray right now that I learn to see myself how you see me. I pray I learn how to trust you totally and stop wavering back and forth. My circumstance does not define who you are. What it does is remind me that you are my God and that you are already going ahead of me to work everything out for my good. I thank you for your power and might. I love you, Lord. I pray in your precious name. Amen