For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

~ God......Your Provider ~

Yesterday I was laid off of my job. They were gracious enough to let me work a couple weeks from home part-time so I am grateful for their flexibility. I will tell you that I felt relief yet excitement at the same time. The old Monique would have just panicked and cried and had a huge pity party thinking on all the negatives. I do need to work do not get me wrong. We have bills to pay so I do not have the luxury just yet to stay home and not work BUT sisters, I do know that God is up to something and I am too thrilled.

I am excited because I get to bear witness as to what God will do in my life within these next few months. Do I know what he will do? Absolutely not. But I do know he will take me on a journey and I just know it will be good. Sure I probably will have some trials but I will tell you that I am not focused on that. I do not even want to know what his plans are. My prayers are that I am obedient to his plans and sensitive to his spirit when he calls me to act. I do not want to live this life for me and keep having to wonder about our bank account. I trust that the Lord will somehow provide for us in that area, he always has. A job loss is not the most unfortunate thing IF you switch your perspective. Any loss for that matter is not bad, IF you focus on what God’s promises are for your life.

·         God promises that I will prosper – Jeremiah 29:11

·         He promises me rest – Matthew 11: 28-29

·         He gives me power when I am weak – Isaiah 40: 29-31

·         He promises to supply ALL my needs – Philippians 4: 19

·         He will give me peace if I listen to him – Proverbs 1: 33

The list really can go on and on. Fact of the matter is God will provide. He is constant, faithful and loving. So in this situation I choose to see it as a blessing and not a hinderance.
IF you are going through a challenging time right now, I encourage you to look to your Father and focus on what he promises, not what this world will. This world will chew you up and spit you out alive BUT he promises life….

In Christ,

Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Jesus, you are for me, Father. You said in your word that you will not abandon me. You said that I am your child and that you will supply all my needs. I choose to focus on ALL that you are and not ALL that I do not have. You are my provider, my stronghold and anchor. I am nothing without you. I love you Lord and I cannot wait to see what you have planned. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen