For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Friday, May 15, 2015

~ Worry Pants ~

What is worry? Well, as defined by the Oxford Dictionary online, worry is when one allows difficulty or trouble to dwell in their mind. You know what I found out sisters? Worry is the catalyst to all other emotions that take you down a road that is not going to do you any good but give you heartache (panic, fear, confusion etc). It promises you a false sense of peace. Worry is of the devil and when we are sitting with our worry we are the most vulnerable to the enemy. He is having a fill day messing with us and our emotions.
As a believer, we are set apart as holy brethren (Hebrews 3:1) and we will experience ALL of the exact emotions as any other human EXCEPT we have a great hope. We have so much authority and do not have to be crippled with fear. We do not have to sit with our worry.

When I “feel” worry I do not have to react to it. I can choose to stay in the presence of the Lord and fight with him by my side. The other day I was really just in my worry pants. I was thinking about the strenuous relationship I have with my older son. How I am not happy in my job sometimes. I started to think about the safety of our younger son. The salvation of my kids. I started to think about my husband and how maybe he just does not love me. I mean I was so anxious. I put my worry pants on so tight they were sucking life right out of me that morning. Not to mention I was walking around with them and those pants did not even look cute (metaphorically speaking). No one told me that my pants of worry had me looking like a bag of mess. Not until I started reading about worry in the Bible was when I could see that I put on the wrong attire that morning. Instead of putting on the armor of God I put on my anxious floral blouse, my pants of worry and shoes of fear and tried to strut my stuff like I was something. But I was nothing...

Matthew 6:25 speaks to worry. It tells us not to worry about life because our Father in heaven takes care of our worries. Verse 27 asks us “can worry make you live longer”. If we think about it all worry does is make us rock back and forth in anxious thoughts telling us that we will get somewhere if we keep thinking on thoughts that cripple us. It is a bold face lie and it pushes us farther away from our Father. God is of peace NOT worry. When we refuse to be in peace we are asking for trouble. Sure, life is hard. Life just down right is not pretty at times. It can feel as if it has spit us out from the belly of a whale with no water to drink with absolutely no help. I think when we start to think like that we are in trouble. Life was given to us at a heavy price tag. Jesus came so that we can have and enjoy life (John 10:10).  If we sit down in the dumps stuck in worry we will think and behave according to that worry. Why not choose a different path when feelings of anxiety try to come about?

Today, I encourage you to do something different when worry tries to consume you. Look yourself in the mirror and say out loud “Lord, I am yours and I will stand on your hope. I will not worry. I will be bold and courageous”. Many have said it, but truly when worry comes send Jesus to answer. Why worry about something you have no control over?

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Thank you Jesus for my salvation. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me even when I cannot stand to love myself some days. I declare your peace over my life. Holy Spirit, come fill me. You are welcome to move in my heart. I declare renewed thoughts and a sound mind. I am yours so I will put on my armor of faith and not move from your presence at all costs. You love me and you are for me so I will focus on your truth. Amen