For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

~ He Will Equip You ~

Ever since I was young I knew I was different. I knew that I had a unique call on my life and that everything I went through was not in vain, there was bigger purpose. What that was truly I did not know. Getting pregnant and married young was indeed chaotic however God ALWAYS provided. I graduated high school early only to go on to start working at a decent company with a decent benefits package. There was much favor given to me then but did I see that? NOPE. Even when adversity in the marriage struck and it dissolved God still shined his face upon me. He gave me courage to go on. Courage to remarry.

These things I did not do by myself with sheer determination. There was a fire inside of me but at the time I just did not know what/who was my source was until I was older. As I got older and let Christ truly rule in my life I understood that this specific God designed purpose would come to fulfillment in due time. But of course there were/are things that I need to align myself up with. For instance, I need to hate the very sin I once loved. I need to start to renew my mind and understand my identity in Christ. I need to produce fruit and stop listening to the enemy and his plans. I need to love God’s people and not with a phony love. I need to love with compassion and do it purposely. I needed to totally live for the Lord whole heartedly. The only way all this was to happen was to let God be in the driver’s seat and I take His guidance second by second. I could no longer be average because I knew God set me apart. God is a loving God and will wait for us to get our acts together.

Throughout this process and of course even now I have many questions. But each time God comforted me in his word. Each time he made my path straight.

Hebrews 13:21 says God will equip me with everything for doing his will. Philippians 2:13 says that it is God who works in me to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. 2 Timothy 3:17 says that the servant of God is equipped. Over and over I am reminded that God will equip me and I do not have to worry nor focus on what this world reminds me of. I am to set my mind on above, trust the Lord and do life with excellence in the big and small. If I fall, I get right back up and hold God’s hand.

As believers, we are set apart. The old person we were has died and we are now a new creature in Christ. What holds us back is how we think and what we say about the situations in our lives and about ourselves. I know this first hand.
Today, I encourage you to seek the word of God like no other and find the peace that God so willingly has given you. God does not call you because you are qualified. He qualifies the called. He is waiting on you to see that he has his hand on you. Just because this process doesn’t look or feel pretty does not mean God is not working. You are His child. Tag team with your Father right now and step out to greatness in faith, trusting him. Remember God gives peace not disturbance. Do not block what God is trying to do within and for you.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:
Father, you love me. You are for me. You said in your word that you will NEVER forsake me. You died so that I may live. You have much to show me and the process will not be glorious sometimes. I do trust that you know what you are doing. I move out of the way right now so that you can fulfill your plans on my life. I am so sorry for standing in the way. Forgive me and help me to walk hand in hand with you through it all. I love you and thank you for your presence. Amen