For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, October 16, 2017

~ God Wants us to Take Care of OUR Bodies ~

About 15ish years ago, I weighed 220 pounds and standing at 5 foot 4 that is a lot of weight for me to carry. I did not care too much for anything and needless to say I ate my feelings. Off sheer determination that year I went down to 160 pounds with diet and exercise alone. I was so proud of myself and that was when I met my now husband. I knew the Lord but did not have a relationship with him. Throughout the years, I never went pass 200 pounds until having my daughter 1 year ago. I am not that weight now however if I am not careful I will make it over that mark again. I want to be healthy not just look good in what I wear.

What changed? Hormones, stress, surgeries and taking care of my home. I am a working full-time Wife and mom and life sometimes is crazy. One huge factor is I have been relying on myself, honestly. Can you relate? Have you been relying on yourself for something you know ONLY God can help with?

Today, in doing my studies I came across an article that said “God wants you to take care of your body” and it stood out to me. Mind you I have tried year after year to “change my lifestyle” and nothing. But looking at that sentence, I felt conviction.

The truth is God does want me to care for my body and he wants you to do the same as well. While we are here on earth we are to know God more, walk closer to him daily and look like him. We are his hands and feet on this earth. I cannot be his vessel if I am going to food for comfort instead of my Lord.

Because of the grace of Jesus Christ and the love of the Holy Spirit, we can start over. Today, right now we can decide to stop doing life alone and reject sheer determination and turn to the author and finisher of our life. If you struggle with eating or anything else (pride, lust, lying, cheating, anger, addiction, bitterness etc) remember Jesus loves you and when you partner with him ANYTHING is possible.

I will not go on this “I will change my life, today” or do some fad diet, exercise or take some pills. I will confess my sin and struggles and wait on my Father. I will follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit and obey. I trust him and I know if I seek him he will guide me to a healthier me. I want what God wants and I will surrender and ponder the below.

·         God’s blessing of good health begins with my souls – 3 John 1:2

·         The Lord guides me into healthy living – Isaiah 58:11

·         Our bodies our sacred temples for God’s spirit – 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

·         Honor your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

·         Using food for comfort is not helpful – 1 Corinthians 8:8

·         Bring your anxieties to God (not to food) – Phil 4:6-7

·         Natural foods straight from the earth are healthiest – Psalm 24:1

·         To nourish your body and appearance eat vegetables & drink lots of water – Daniel 1:8

·         Walking can open your eyes to God’s presence – Mark 16:12

·         Discipline is the road to the good life – Proverbs 10:17

·         Moderation is the key – Proverbs 23:20-21

·         You need deep understanding from God – Psalm 139:23-24

·         Confess your struggles to heal and grow – Ephesians 4:15-16

·         Healthy living begins with healthy thinking – Phil 4:8


I encourage your spirit as you read this to surrender what is hindering you to Jesus. If you do not know him I pray that you open your heart and mind to his word and truth. I pray that you turn from sin and get to know your Savior. Jesus love you, friend and I promise you that you are not alone…..You have purpose!!!

Prayer Starter:

Lord Jesus, thank you that my heart is pure. Thank you for your love and mercy and for your living truth. I thank you that because of your finished work on the cross that I am a new creation. I struggled in many things (confess your struggles) and I have been doing life alone in this area and I am exhausted. I know I was not build for such stress. Take this burden, Lord and free me of the weight of it. I am so sorry for not involving you in EVERY aspect of my life. I want a new me (mind, body and spirit) and Lord you are the only one thing I need. Stay with me, walk with me and convict my spirit when I stray. Search me, Father and purge me of all things that are not of you. You love me and are for me so I will mediate on that truth today and stay confident in your promises, In Jesus mighty name. Amen