Slow down Monique! I have heard that my whole life. Not just
in the physical but in the mental. At a young age, I would talk and did not feel
“heard” or acknowledged so I felt the need to talk and talk until I “felt”
someone was listening. I did not think before I talked. I spat out everything
that was on my mind. I have no filter. Total word vomit……..
Little did I know that this was not good behavior to have as
I sadly would be in for a rude awakening because neither communication nor life
works in this way. Instead, I believe that my parents should have corrected my
little tail and set me straight so I knew that this type of thinking or
behavior is not healthy.
I grew up into a young lady and eventually a young mother to
only learn the hard way that this is NOT my world and everyone just doesn’t
live in it MY way. My parents did the best they knew how but looking back in retrospect,
I was a brat! I had this “it is all about me” mentality. I believe I acted this
way because I was so hurt and in pain from being sexually abused. I was filled
with anger towards many.
Throughout the years I have learned to slow down some and
think before I speak because of Jesus Christ. I promise you I can babble on a
hundred miles a minute if you let me. Side
note: Needless to say our youngest son is this exact same way. Hahahah……So not
cool when the shoe is on the other foot. But we are working with him on this.
He likes to say “this is how God made me”. Let’s just say things do come around
full circle. J
In this fast paced world, we not only need to slow down physically
and stop thinking we are the energizer bunnies but we need to pause and allow
ourselves to think about our frame of mind before we communicate with others.
When I allow myself to slow down and think, I now have a chance to make sure I
respond to the other person appropriately. Choosing my words carefully will
help my communication skills and I won’t just be babbling on to friends, family
or co-workers being this “emotional responder”. This way of logical thinking also
builds my patience mind, body and soul and gives the other person a chance to
be heard (two way street). You know the patience that I pray to the Lord to
have almost every second? Well, I can start to make progress if I slow down and
think more.
Sisters I encourage you to slow down your thinking. Try and
take at least 15-30 minutes before responding to people especially if it is a
big decision. Use your judgment, if it is something that needs immediate action make sure you evaluate your frame of mind. If you know you are sad,
mad, or frustrated at someone WAIT to respond. Don’t give the enemy a foothold
into thinking you cannot control your emotions. Because when we partner with
us into all we need to be for His glory in His timing.
Together, we shall grow!
In Christ,
Monique Smith
Prayer Starter:
Father, I thank you for your wisdom and guidance, your truth
and light. Thank you for showing me that I need to make adjustments to myself.
Thank you for helping me to be whole and healed in Jesus’ name. Lord, I
am nothing without the grace you so generously provide me every minute of the
day. I want to grow Father and I know I cannot do that when I rely on me and
not you, please forgive me. Thank you for your pruning process. I love you!