For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

~ Encouragement for Your Weary Soul – Trials and Tribulations ~

Trial comes, says the Lord in John 16:33. We did not get a promise from the Lord that this life would be pain free. BUT what the Lord did promise was that he would never leave us nor would he forsake us. He promised a way out. The way out is through Him and Him only. If we remain steadfast in trial we will receive the crown of life (James 1:12). We can do all we need to in this life IF we keep our hearts, minds and words on all things that are of Him.

 Christ rose from the grave to give us a new life in HIM (2 Corinthians 5:15). We will feel uncomfortable, we will be stretched, we will maybe go without, and we will be stripped. But we will always grow, we will also learn, we will also serve and love when we place our trust in the Lord. This Christian walk will not be easy however where there was sin, God’s grace runs deeper. You MUST renew your mind daily.

Personally, much has happened to our family. We have been attacked from all sides. But we stand in awe of our Heavenly Father. Not because we are these Holy and righteous people (blemish free) but ONLY because we want to glorify our Father in these trials. I do not know about you friend but I am tired of going around the same mountains and expecting different results. I am tired of the burden of worry and fear. I am tired of trying to handle these trials with my own bare hands. The Lord says he will fight for me and all I have to do is be silent and trust Him. Something about that brings me great peace and comfort. Let’s let the Lord carry us today. Let’s rejoice in hope and be patient and be constant in prayer (Romans 12:12).

I want to encourage your weary spirits today that the Lord, OUR God in heaven is with you. It feels lonely and FEELS like he is nowhere to be found. Trust Him, friend! He is right alongside you in this situation if you would only look up from the chaos of life. Often times when we are in an extreme amount of sin or chaos we really cannot see much. We panic and go back into habits that we feel bring us safety. Let the Lord be your shelter. Ask Him to give you wisdom, instruction and clarity in the midst of your situation and wait, pause and refuse to worry. Go about your day and bless someone. When you take your hands off of all the chaos and intentionally TRUST in what God says, you will see something different.

Prayer Starter:
Lord, you know our hearts. You see our pain. You are with us, Father. Thank you for the grace and love you give us day in and out. Help me, Lord to look to you and not my circumstances within this world. Renew my mind each day and convict my heart. I pray my heart is sensitive to your promptings and that I follow them on the onset. My heart is weary and I feel lonely this day. Today, I will intentionally seek you in all I see. I surrender my ways and trust yours are higher. Thank you for working all things out my good. I pray in your precious name, Jesus. Amen