For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, October 10, 2016

~ Being Tested ~

These past few months I have been through so many tests, with pregnancy scares, health issues from delivering my daughter early, family communication problems, career transitions, disconnection from my children etc. It has been a real test in my faith and walk with the Lord, I will not even pretend it has not been rough. Through the many of circumstances the one thing that is consistent has been lack of some faith on my end. I have chosen in many situations to sit in fear. When I sat in fear I made the devil so happy.

I looked up scriptures on tests and seasons because I feel they go hand in hand. God says in my study about tests: to count it all joy, do not be surprised, rejoice, trust me, sacrifice, worship me, do not fear, do not be anxious, pray, and be led by the Holy Spirit. I will tell you that many times I would do the exact opposite of what God said. Why? Because it felt better to worry and give myself scenarios of what could happen in my flesh. I did not pay attention to the Jesus in me who wanted to speak to me but I did put him on the back burner when I worried. God cannot work with my worry. He operates in faith, friends.

When I studied seasons God said “I change the seasons”, do not grow weary, be planted, I will provide, rejoice, bear good fruit, preach the word, be ready, rebuke, exhort, be patient and teach. He tells me to have faith and trust him. Is it not amazing how he will speak to us when we just quiet our minds? In my short study time he spoke to every single dry bone. He gave me so much guidance on what to do. Many days I had to fight so hard to be still and go sit with my Father. My flesh wanted me to figure things out on my own and panic. But when I was in study something happened. The Holy Spirit came to my rescue. I was comforted and peace fell upon me. In times of tests or change of seasons, we need to be still and ask the Holy Spirit to control our thoughts.

Today, I encourage you. First, you are not alone. If you are facing some real serious tests right now I want you to stop and breathe and tell yourself that you have a friend who has and is struggling too, in me. If you cannot muster any strength to pray…that is okay just sit and close your eyes and say nothing as the Lord knows our thoughts and understands us. If you message me I will pray with you. 

Most importantly, my friend God is by your side. He has not forgotten about you and your life. God hears our cries and is close to our broken hearts if we truly BELIEVE that with all might. We truly have to stand our grounds and remind the enemy that we are none of his business. Something that works for me is talking to myself out loud in affirmation in my bathroom mirror: “Satan, get behind me! I am none of your business and my Father loves me. You are not welcome in my mind or home. In the name of Jesus, FLEE! I am new, loved and whole by the blood of my Savior”. I promise you saying that to myself in the mirror gave me confidence. It reminded me that I was purchased with a price and that I have authority. Don’t give up, stay your course, keep living daily peacefully and soon you will see victory. God did not bring you this far to let you down now.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Jesus, my Savior. My King and ever present help in this time of trouble. You reign over all circumstances in my life. I know you go before me because you love me. There is nothing to powerful for you. I praise your HOLY name. Thank you for working things out for my good. Thank you for your protection and mercy. I know that in due time I will reap a harvest if I do not grow weary in doing well. I will stay in peace. I choose joy and courage. Nothing formed against me shall stand. I love you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen