For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

~ Consuming Fire ~

(This is a long one – grab some coffee) 

It has been some time since I have posted and I apologize but someone recently reminded me just how much they look forward to my posts. God is good!

Life happens but thank God we have a Savior who we can put our trust in and find comfort in, knowing he is working way ahead of us on our behalf. How comforting is that? May I share some things with you today? 

I was visiting a church weeks ago and a visiting pastor came up to talk to us about worship and praise and its difference. I heard this sermon before from my pastor but this pastor expressed some things to me in a different light and it had me thinking. The words coming out of his mouth were for me. Ever feel like a pastor is talking directly to you and there is no one else in the room but you and him? The Lord knows exactly where we are and exactly what we need and when. He will find ways to speak only to your heart and this day he used Pastor Smith. This pastor’s word pricked my heart and it hurt because I knew I was not worshiping the Lord like I should.

Pastor Smith, with his lovely last name J, explains that worship is an internal love developed within and praise is the external action we give out. So what is in me will manifest externally he goes on to say. I thought O’ Lord what if I am still rotten to the core inside and that is why I cannot praise you in this situation right now? I cannot praise you Lord in my anger because I am pissed. I cannot praise you in my sadness because my heart is bleeding. Let’s be honest we all have these “situations” that come and threaten our livelihood and we get so emotional. Emotions are not bad but when our flesh trumps our spirit we will have problems. Life can be pretty difficult, and praising our Father through it well, we just don’t do it most of the time. I could not praise my Father because I have let some ugly root take residence in my heart.

Pastor Smith goes on to explain that through ALL circumstances happy, sad, mad or bad that the Lord still wants to meet us exactly where we are. He says the Lord cares about what is taking root within me and wants to sit beside me to let me know that he loves me. Jesus wants to wash those ugly roots out of us completely, for good. But we need let God be the all-consuming fire that never dies down inside of us. True joy only comes from God and I know this but I let some emotional events take root inside me causing me to not worship nor praise my Father sometimes. I let his fire run low with all my emotions. God cannot move when I am all emotional and in my feelings. It is when I place those emotions at his feet and let him fill me when exciting things come about.

For instance, let’s say I am mad at my husband and I know I need to give it to God but I get pissed off and let that anger take root inside me. Later, still pissed I go to God and talk to him about my anger but I don’t let his presence soak into the dry, dead black roots that are living inside me (anger, bitterness, or unforgiveness). Then there is no life resonating within me, I have not allowed God to touch my inner pain and because I am all emotional his fire is running low. When this happens the Holy Spirit cannot guide nor convict me. When I allow God’s presence to fill me I have new grace and mercy from his love to go apologize to my husband and make it right (regardless of whose fault it is) and praise my Father in the process. What Pastor Smith was saying to me was that I need to let God set a fire in my soul that only he can contain all the time no matter what. Only then can I give this external action of praise when my heart is clean and pure before him. How can I let God move in my life if I keep getting in the way with my emotional self? I need to find a balance and use it more. 

The enemy is an expert in all my weaknesses. He studies me and all my emotions and knows what makes me upset, sad, depressed or pissed off. He knew that through my emotions he can try and get to me like he did in the past. He whispers lies and gets me feeling some kind of way.

Sisters, we need to not let him plant these seeds, these thoughts in our minds or emotions in our hearts that we forget to worship and praise our Lord Jesus Christ. No matter how we “feel” we can do what we know is right and those feelings can catch up later. When we press into Jesus harder than we do our emotions and give the Holy Spirit room to convict and guides us to what is right. We can let our Lord Jesus be the all-consuming fire with us and choose to pursue his peace, love and ways. Talk to God. Go ahead and tell him. Keep pressing. Keep walking with him.

I encourage you to sit at the feet of Christ and just pour out all the good, bad and ugly and let him work on it and you learn to leave those emotions there. Don’t allow the devil to gain a stronghold in the places of your heart where your light and fire live. Allow God to be that constant burning fire throughout you no matter what. Hold on to what the Lord says. Your emotions don’t rule you.

In Christ,
Monique Smith

Prayer Starter:

Thank you Jesus that you are here with me through everything. That I can approach your throne with such boldness. That you will always use your disciples to teach and correct me. Lord, please set a fire in my soul that only you contain. Help me to recognize the enemy’s tactics and when I am getting too emotional. Convict me Holy Spirit. You are welcome to move in my heart. I love you Lord. I praise you because inside of me burns a deep love of gratefulness. I love you. Amen