For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7

Monday, September 1, 2014

September's Instagram 30 Days of Christian Journaling/Picture Prompts #arisenyou

I love to write. Writing purges your soul is what I believe. I have created: September's Instagram 30 days of Christian journaling/picture prompts for anyone who wants to join me. This is a fun way to help you with your walk with the Lord and challenge you to look at many aspects of your life while writing. Share these questions or prompts with everyone you know. Hashtag your pictures on Instagram using #arisenyou. Have fun and grow ladies…..

1.)What is your favorite Bible verse and why?
2.)How can you grow with your walk with the Lord? Name 1 specific way.
3.)What is up with my critical heart lately? Write down your circumstance. What verse can help me with it
4.)My love walk? What is hard about loving others? How did Jesus love?
5.)Write a prayer to your kids or future ones
6.)What is your acronym for GROW?
7.)Draw, doodle or write out your perspective of Grace
8.)Describe the day you accepted Jesus into your heart. How did it happen?
9.)What do the Fruits of the Spirit mean to you? Explain
10.)A prayer of thanks
11.)What devotion are you currently doing? Is it helping you? Share a picture with your journal and favorite morning drink
12.)What is your favorite worship song? Write it down and mediate on it today
13.)Today is clean out your heart day. What has you upset or bitter? Can you try forgiving? Write about the situation
14.)Write out a prayer for your husband, Father or son
15.)Write out the Lord’s prayer and use your favorite shade of pink
16.)Empty your heart before Christ. Write a letter to Him
17.)Define Faith using your own words
18.)Your favorite Christian quote and why
19.)What is emotional wellness in Christ?
20.)Share a picture of Jesus & Coffee
21.)What did your pastor speak on? How can you apply it to your life?
22.)SOAP a verse of Proverbs.
23.)What Christ centered book are you reading? Write down a profound passage from it
24.)FAST DAY: What can you fast for 2 hours? Why did you choose this?
25.)Goals for October: Top 3
26.)Write a letter to a friend in need and share a special verse she can mediate on. Mail it to her
27.)What does the Bible say about cleaning house? Write down the verses
28.)Pray over anxiety today. What verse helps bring comfort?
29.)How can you practice patience today? Skip you and serve someone. Write who you choose to practice patience on?
30.)SOAP John 16:13

Together let's grow and write for Christ...... :)